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November 29, 2021 12:11

ITS Educate Children to Prevent Covid-19 through Games

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

The display of the Can’t Touch app shows the main page and a mini-game to educate about preventing the spread of Covid-19 

ITS Campus, ITS News To minimize the spread of Covid-19 in the so-called new normal era, people must pay more attention to health protocols. There’s also no exception for children who are now starting to actively play outside their homes. Therefore, the Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Abmas) or the Community Service team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) presented an educational app for children to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

A member of the Abmas team from the Power System Simulation Laboratory (PSSL) ITS Fachry Azca Haidar Fayumi, explained that this Can’t Touch app intends to educate children from Kindergarten (TK) to Elementary (SD) students. This app aims to be an interactive learning tool to educate about the dangers of the Covid-19 virus. “Furthermore, there are also instructions to avoid transmission, maintain personal health, about the new normal life and the health protocols,” explained the student from the Electrical Engineering Department.

In developing the Can’t Touch app, the Abmas team collaborated with technology company TicTech Studio. After going through development for approximately three months, finally, this game is successfully available on the Google Play Store and can be accessed in general. This game application features mini-games regarding Covid-19 education, scores, and the feature to upload the scores to social media.

Fachry said that this game does not have a level limit, but the time of the challenge will be faster as the level increases. Because of the level increase, the game becomes more difficult. The mini-games also repeat to create a repetition effect. “Therefore, we expect the players to be familiar with the conveyed purposes from these mini-games,” he said.

The PSSL Abmas Team during a socialization to SDN Medokan Ayu 2 Surabaya.

The team overseen by Dr. Ir Ni Ketut Aryani MT chose SDN Medokan Ayu 2 Surabaya as the target of socialization. Fachry said the team chose this school based on many considerations, such as the proximity of the location to the campus, the lack of a similar program, and teachers’ activities taking place offline at the school. “Coordination with the teachers was easy, so it minimized miscommunication,” he explained.

This team of 15 students hopes that others can further develop this app to be more appealing and reach a broader range of users, particularly children. “With this education, we hope that the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia will decrease,” concluded this student of batch 2018. (nadh/ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Dian Nizzah Fortuna
Editor: Najla Lailin Nikmah

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