ITS Campus, ITS News – The Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) commitment to maintaining the spirit of sustainable development is getting more serious. This time, it was shown by the success of ITS in achieving the top four positions for the Best Sustainable Universities according to the UI Greenmetric World University Rankings 2021.
On Tuesday (15/12) afternoon, it virtually announced that out of 97 universities in Indonesia that participated in the rankings, ITS managed to go up one rank compared to the previous year. This achievement also positions ITS at 40th place at the international level involving 912 universities from 84 countries worldwide, an increase of 21 ranks compared to last year.
UI GreenMetric itself is a ranking of world-class universities promoted by the University of Indonesia (UI), which focuses on assessing the commitment to sustainable environmental management on campus. In UI Greenmetric 2021, there are 39 indicators divided into six criteria related to the environment, economy, and society.
The six criteria are Arrangement and Infrastructure with a percentage point of 15 percent, Energy and Climate Change with a percentage point of 21 percent, Water with a percentage point of 10 percent, and Waste, Transportation, and Education and Research (ED) which both have percentage points. 18 percent.
ITS showed a significant increase in the requirements for Energy and Climate Change and Arrangement and Infrastructure of the six criteria. According to Susi Agustina Wilujeng ST MT, Head of the ITS Smart Eco Campus Development Unit, ITS won 1,500 on the Energy and Climate Change criteria and 1,225 on the Arrangement and Infrastructure criteria. “In terms of structuring and infrastructure, we experienced an increase of 275 points,” he explained.
This increase, continued Susi, was also influenced by various ITS efforts to maintain its commitment as an intelligent eco campus. Various innovations that have been realized this year include the addition of laboratories and solar panels in several places, such as the Rectorate building, Research Center, and the ITS Robotics Center.
In addition, the comparison of forest area and green open space compared to the total area and paving blocks that dominate the campus area are also essential factors in the assessment. “The choice of paving blocks over asphalt certainly makes water absorption easier,” said the Department of Environmental Engineering lecturer.
He added that this success was due to the role of the Smart Eco Campus Development Unit he led and the cooperation and support of various parties at ITS. It starts from the Academic and Student Affairs and Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni fields of ITS, which have promoted further education and research to support sustainability, the allocation of ITS funds that support, and the Bureau of Facilities and Infrastructure, which has maintained plants and campus areas very well.
At the end of the interview session, Susi admitted that she was proud and grateful for the achievements of ITS. He hopes that good campus environmental management can be maintained. “The spirit of sustainability should be maintained by all ITS academics,” he reminded. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa
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