ITS Campus, ITS News – Gas emissions in Indonesia are still a critical problem that needs to be resolved, especially those caused by steam power plants. Also contributing their ideas to this problem, a team of students from the Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) provided a solution that had never been offered before in the form of an innovative integrated turbine called Hydrotek.
The team, which consists of three students, namely Audrey Salsza Maret Roberte, Gumilang Al-Hafiz, and Wafiyudin Tsalatsyanto, offers an intelligent turbine system that has been integrated with an automatic controlling system, river waste filtering sensors, and the use of applications. This is intended to make easier control in the distribution of electrical output.
Audrey Salsza Maret Roberte revealed that the gap in access to electricity in Indonesia motivated his team to present innovative turbines with futuristic features that make it easier for people to apply them. “It takes a revolution to create clean, sustainable, economic, and easily accessible energy for the people of Indonesia,” said the team leader.
He further said that selecting the turbine type and the design that could suit the various river conditions in the village was a problem faced by the team, especially for river areas that are not too wide and have strong currents. “Determining the amount of electricity we provide with a relatively small turbine design is also a challenge for us,” he explained.
Sharing the functional design of this idea, Audrey explained in the first process; water will enter through a sluice gate which is equipped with a sensor that detects swiftness and water flow first. In addition, a sensor is intended to sort out foreign objects or garbage that drifts with the water.
According to Audrey, this drifting object will automatically enter the reservoir and tranquilizer tanks. “The water will flow to the penstock pipe, which will be connected to our turbine runner with the savories type and also the blade runner,” he explained.
Furthermore, he added that the runner rotation would drive a generator that would later produce electricity stored or directly flowed. In managing electricity distribution, this team uses a panelboard integrated with the application. The application can control the amount of electricity produced, stored, or delivered. “Residents can monitor electricity output more easily using this application,” he said.
The work, entitled Hydrotek An Innovation Renewable Energy Development for a Long-Term Solution for Sustainable Electricity in Rural Areas, has also succeeded in making proud achievements. Namely, the second winner in the National Electrical Summit “Smart Innovation in Solving Electrical of Industry’s Problem” was recently held by the University of Indonesia.
This student from Mojokerto explained that his team is currently conducting a Hydrotek consortium project in Kebun Tunggul, Mojokerto. “In the future, Hydrotek is expected to be realized soon, so that its benefits for the community can be felt immediately,” he hoped. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
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