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December 31, 2021 21:12

Improving the Maritime Industry, ITS Students Design Seasando

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Desain kapal Seasando, rancangan tim Innovasea ITS

The design of the Seasando ship, designed by the ITS Innovasea team

ITS Campus, ITS News – Indonesia is an archipelagic maritime country with an area of ​​water reaching 62 percent of the total area. To support the improvement of the marine industry in Indonesia, especially in the field of tourism, three students of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) have also succeeded in designing an environmentally friendly cruise ship named Seasando.

They are M Alfaridzi Rizqulloh, Afwan Izzul Muttaqin, Quito Abian Iqtarib, who are members of Innovasea. Alfaridzi, as the team leader, gave an example of the Rote Islands in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which have potential in the field of maritime tourism. To increase this potential, innovation in sea transportation is needed to provide comfort and luxury for passengers. “However, it is also inseparable from the use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly fuels,” he continued.

Based on this, the Innovasea team designed the Seasando cruise ship with considerations of comfort, speed, and safety for passengers and the environment. This ship can sail at a rate of 12 Knots with a maximum capacity of 25 kilowatts Peak. “In addition, Seasando is designed with High-Modulus carbon fiber material so that it is lighter and remains strong,” explained Alfaridzi.

(dari kiri) Afwan Izzul Muttaqin, M Alfaridzi Rizqulloh, dan Quito Abian Iqtarib yang merupakan mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS yang tergabung dalam tim Innovasea

(from left) Afwan Izzul Muttaqin, M Alfaridzi Rizqulloh, and Quito Abian Iqtarib who are students of the ITS Marine Engineering Department who are members of the Innovasea team

Furthermore, the ITS Ship Engineering Department student revealed that his team’s eco-friendly cruise ship design uses energy from the sun. “By using two propellers powered by solar power, this ship can reach tourism locations in Indonesia, such as on Rote Island,” said the second-year student.

Alfaridzi explained, Seasando is also equipped with a collision warning system with Artificial Intelligence (AI) camera, so the ship can detect objects around the boat that have the potential to cause a collision. For the security sector, Seasando is equipped with real-time navigation. “That way, users can monitor the presence of the ship only by using a smartphone,” he further explained.

Tim Innovasea berhasil merebut juara pertama pada ajang MME National Exposition Universitas Indonesia 2021 pada kategori Boat Design Competition

The Innovasea team won first place in the Boat Design Competition at the MME National Exposition Universitas Indonesia 2021.

In addition to these features, Seasando is also equipped with a passive fin stabilizer to run more stable and provide comfort to passengers. The autopilot feature was also added to the 15-passenger cruise ship to allow automatic control without a captain.

Through their innovation in designing the Seasando cruise ship, the Innovasea team has also won first place at the MME National Exposition Universitas Indonesia 2021 in the Boat Design Competition category, held online some time ago.

In the future, the Innovasea team hopes that with Seasando, the team can advance the maritime industry and encourage innovation for the nation’s young people in designing environmentally friendly technologies. “In addition, we hope that the tourism aspect in Indonesia in the maritime sector will be more advanced with the new facilities,” concluded Alfaridzi hopefully. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin

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