ITS News

Monday, January 13, 2025
January 13, 2022 20:01

ITS Students Support the Semeru APG Impact Residential Relocation Program

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Tim mahasiswa ITS melakukan uji coba alat sebelum penggunaan di lokasi APG Semeru

The ITS student team tested the tool before using it at the APG Semeru location in the resident’s residential relocation program.

ITS Campus, ITS News – In the context of the residential relocation program for residents affected by the Semeru Hot Avalanche Cloud (APG), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again sent a team of students from the Geomatics Engineering Department to support the program. This student team departed from the ITS Geomatics Engineering Department building to Sumbermujur Village, Lumajang Regency, Thursday (13/1).

After previously dispatching 30 students in December 2021, ITS again delivered ten students of the Geomatics Engineering Department to accelerate the process of building temporary housing (huntara) in areas affected by APG Semeru. “ITS students act as a survey team to measure and determine the plots of land,” said the Head of the ITS Community Service Sub-directorate Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc Ph.D.

Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc PhD (berbatik) bersama tim mahasiswa ITS saat menyiapkan total station dan reflektor yang akan dibawa ke lokasi

Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc Ph.D. (in batik) with the ITS student team when preparing the total station and reflector to be brought to the location

The ITS Geomatics Engineering Department lecturer, who is familiarly called Lalu, revealed that the Lumajang Regency Government (Pemkab) itself had provided a 40.55 hectare (ha) site plan out of a total land area of ​​79.60 ha for the relocation area in Sumbermujur Village. The land will be built for 2,000 shelters, requiring accurate calculations inland distribution. “The ITS team was facilitated by measuring instruments consisting of a set of total stations and reflectors,” said Lalu while preparing the tools that the ITS team would bring.

Lalu also explained that the measuring instrument facility will facilitate and speed up calculating the land area for further delimitation of the land boundaries for each shelter. Students only need to place the total station at the specified point.

Tim mahasiswa ITS saat mendapat arahan dari Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc PhD sebelum keberangkatan di halaman gedung Departemen Teknik Geomatika ITS

The ITS student team when receiving direction from Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc Ph.D. before departure in the ITS Geomatics Engineering Department building yard

While the reflector is placed straight in front of the total station according to the desired peg distance, the entire station and mirror will be separated by 14 meters for the length and 10 meters for the width of the land. “The measurement results will be marked with a land benchmark,” added the bespectacled man.

Furthermore, the 1999 ITS alumnus said that this program is also an educational learning platform for students of the Geomatics Engineering Department and a forum for sharpening students’ soft skills in socializing. “Hopefully, this humanitarian action can provide benefits for both the Lumajang community and student volunteers,” he hoped.

Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc PhD (paling kanan), Favian Adith Budiarto (enam dari kiri), dan sembilan mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Geomatika ITS yang tergabung dalam tim sebelum keberangkatan ke lokasi

Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc Ph.D. (far right), Favian Adith Budiarto (six from left), and nine students from the ITS Geomatics Engineering Department joined the team before leaving for the location.

The student team, coordinated by Favian Adith Budiarto, will be divided into three groups and serve until January 23. The team coordinator, who is familiarly called Adith, also revealed that the program was an opportunity for students to carry out their roles to serve the community. “Hopefully, we can complete this task on time so that the community can also quickly normalize life,” said Adhit. (far/ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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