ITS News

Thursday, January 16, 2025
February 17, 2022 19:02

Preventing Covid-19 Transmission, YMI ITS Distributes Self-isolation Equipment

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kanan) memberikan sambutan dalam acara penyerahan bantuan isoman dari YMI ITS untuk sivitas akademika ITS dalam menghadapi gelombang ketiga Covid-19

Rector of ITS Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) gave a speech at the delivery of self-isolation assistance from YMI ITS in facing the third wave of Covid-19

ITS Campus, ITS News – The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is now approaching the peak of the third wave caused by the Omicron variant virus. To support the readiness of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in preventing its wider spread, Yayasan Manarul Ilmi ITS (YMI) distributed assistance in the form of self-isolation equipment, Thursday (17/1).

Yayasan Manarul Ilmi ITS (YMI) symbolically hands over the equipment to Satgas Covid-19 (Covid-19 Task Force) ITS at the Rectorate Building. They were attended, among others, by the Chairman of YMI ITS Ir Triyatno, Rector of ITS Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, other ITS executive boards, and the ITS academic community.

According to Triyatno, he handed over 50 self-isolation mattresses and 213 pieces of medical equipment in the form of masks, hand sanitizers, and vitamins intended for ITS academics living in Surabaya and its surroundings. “Hopefully, with the assistance of this self-isolation package, it can help the families of the ITS academic community, especially if there are overseas students in need,” he hoped.

Ir Triyatno (dua dari kiri) saat menyerahkan piagam sebagai bentuk bantuan simbolis kepada Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

Ir Triyatno (second from left) when handing over a charter as a form of symbolic assistance to the Rector of ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

The Rector of ITS, usually called Ashari, expressed his gratitude for this self-isolation package on the same occasion. He said everyone could use this self-isolation assistance thanks to the cooperation, trust, and concern of the entire community, especially YMI ITS. “Hopefully, this collaboration between ITS and YMI ITS can be expanded and continue to provide benefits to the wider community,” he said.

The current movement of Covid-19 instances depends on the speed of early detection and compliance with implementing health protocols. According to that, Ashari also did not forget to remind students, lecturers, employees, and the surrounding community to remain aware of the development of the Covid-19 case.

Zenda Mergita Firdaus, as the YMI ITS coordinator, also explained that they would continue to distribute the health equipment and self-isolation packages at several points. Some of the locations would be the mosque and ITS Student Dormitory. In addition, YMI ITS will review the continuity of this activity based on their main concerns and objectives. “For now, we will focus the distribution in public facilities that overseas students usually inhabit,” concluded Zenda. (NA/ITS Public Relations)

Para pengurus Yayasan Manarul Ilmi (YMI) ITS, jajaran pimpinan ITS, anggota Satgas Covid ITS, dan para mahasiswa relawan yang tergabung dalam ITS Peduli Bencana usai acara penyerahan bantuan

The management of Yayasan Manarul Ilmi ITS (YMI), ITS executive boards, members of the ITS Covid-19 Task Force, and volunteer students who are members of ITS Cares for Disasters after the event


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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