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January 24, 2022 19:01

Commitment to Developing Potential, ITS Inaugurates the 4th Teaching Industry

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Dr Ir Arman Hakim Nasution MEng ketika memberikan sambutan pada peresmian Dusun Kajar sebagai Teaching Industry ke-4 ITS

Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution MEng when giving a speech at the inauguration of Dusun Kajar as ITS’s 4th Teaching Industry

ITS Campus, ITS News – Four months of collaboration between Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Dusun Kajar, Batu in developing freshwater fish farming is now entering a new phase. Towards the middle of the semester, ITS inaugurated Dusun Kajar as ITS’s 4th Teaching Industry which symbolically also initiated further cooperation in assisting the development of freshwater fish farming, Sunday, (23/1).

The Head of the Center for the Study of Public, Business, and Industrial Policy (PKKPBI) ITS Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution MEng said that the high potential and desire of the community in managing freshwater fish farming was one of the reasons for the inauguration of Dusun Kajar as ITS’s 4th Teaching Industry. “In addition, the potential for natural resources such as source water here has a high discharge and is relatively clean,” he said.

Keramba budidaya ikan air tawar sepanjang 500 meter di Dusun Kajar, Batu

500-meter long freshwater fish cage in Kajar Hamlet, Batu

To maximize this high potential, continued Arman, various ideas, funding, and master plans had been discussed during the previous four months. Then now, after the inauguration of Dusun Kajar as an ITS Teaching Industry, various programs have begun to be planned and will soon be realized. “We are trying to integrate the processing of freshwater fish culture cages in the Internet of Things (IoT) in the future,” he added.

Furthermore, the plan to integrate freshwater fish farming with an IoT basis will be accompanied by the concept of a circular economy and zero waste, where freshwater fish farming refers to sustainable principles by taking into account the environment. “So we do recycling so that no food scraps and the like are wasted,” said this ITS Business Management Department lecturer.

Wali Kota Batu Dra Hj Dewanti Rumpoko MSi (depan) saat akan melihat kondisi budidaya ikan air tawar di Dusun Kajar, Batu secara langsung

Mayor of Batu Dra Hj Dewanti Rumpoko MSi (front) when he will see the condition of freshwater fish farming in Dusun Kajar, Batu directly

As for the community development plans by ITS as described above by Arman as ITS steps in helping the community’s economy after the Covid-19 pandemic. The inauguration of the Teaching Industry of Dusun Kajar is one of the plans that have been realized for the first time in 2022 by ITS PKKPBI, ​​along with the launching of the Joglo Bisnis in Kebonunggul, Mojokerto and the handover of the porang processing machine at AMKE, Batu.

“The three agendas are part of the Community Outreach Expose: Innovation Product Launching 2022 program,” he explained. Finally, Arman hopes that everything ITS does to develop economic potential in Kajar Hamlet can run smoothly and be supported by many parties. “Hopefully the capabilities we have will not only benefit us but also benefit the entire nation,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: Irwan Fitranto

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