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March 21, 2022 16:03

ITS Professor Researches Optimization to Advance Humanity

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Prof Totok Ruki Biyanto ST MT PhD saat menyampaikan orasi ilmiah untuk pengukuhannya sebagai profesor ke-148 ITS

Prof. Totok Ruki Biyanto ST MT PhD when delivering a scientific oration of humanity research for his inauguration as the 148th professor of ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News – In the nowadays era, so many fields apply the Internet of Things (IoT) to increase the effectiveness of processes in industry, marketization, entrepreneurship, etc. The phenomenon prompted one of the professors from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Prof. Totok Ruki Biyanto ST MT Ph.D., to examine the role of optimization and process control in succeeding humanity and sustainable green nature in Indonesia.

According to Totok, the increasing demands to save energy drive optimization and control in all fields. “In addition, issues of safety and security, the environment, and so on can predict process deviations reliably,” he explained.

Furthermore, the man born in Jember, July 2, 1971, said that optimization consists of three main components. He starts with the formulation of problems, models, and optimization techniques. The selection of optimization techniques is based on the class of optimization problems to be solved. “Optimization classes are divided into linear, nonlinear, integer, mixed-integer, and mixed-integer nonlinear programs,” he explained.

Totok said that today’s industry is large and complex. As a result, the industry is challenging to control and tends not to operate conservatively. Large factories still consist of hundreds of Single Input Single Output (SISO) controllers in the IoT era. In this case, each controller works independently and does not depend on the actions of other controllers.

Therefore, he assesses that we can use advanced Process Control (APC) to overcome this problem. APC is a control technique to process data and organize various types of process control simultaneously. “APC has great benefits. One of them is increasing efficiency and maximizing production capacity with stable quality,” said the father of Titania Nur Bethiana ST and Theo Danish Rayvirendra.

Prof Totok Ruki Biyanto ST MT PhD saat memeriksa desain hardware dan software untuk Non Revenue Water (NRW) PDAM

Prof. Totok Ruki Biyanto ST MT PhD when inspecting hardware and software design for Non Revenue Water (NRW) PDAM

In the novelty of science, the doctoral alumnus of Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia, explained that there are two kinds of optimization science: stochastic and metaheuristic. The term stochastic is a combination of algorithms and techniques that use a high degree of randomness. In comparison, metaheuristics mean an independent high-level algorithm framework, a set, or developing heuristic optimization algorithms.

Four optimization algorithms have contributed to the world community: Duelist Algorithm, Killer Whale Algorithm, Rain Water Algorithm, and Mass & Energy Balances Algorithm. “The rest is the intellectual property of several user companies,” said the husband of Dr. Titik Budiati, STP MT MSc.

On the same occasion, the Physics Engineering Department lecturer added that the company carried out this research in various company fields. Starting from gas and oil companies, optimization of Plant Wide Control (PWC) operating units, research, development of other industries, and various other studies. “All this research, I did with the focus of my field, namely optimization and process control,” said the 148th ITS professor who was just inaugurated last March 15.

Bentuk kerja sama mengenai optimisasi dan kontrol sistem pengeboran dengan Nazarbayev University, Republik Kazakhstan

Form of cooperation on optimization and control of drilling systems with Nazarbayev University, Republic of Kazakhstan

In essence, Totok aspires to reduce the production of factory waste with efficient factory methods and processes but produce quality products. Through several functions such as research and development, technology design, optimization of development scheduling and spatial, and optimization of operating conditions.

Lastly, Totok hopes that ITS will produce quality human resources capable of utilizing limited resources for the nation’s prosperity and humans in general. “ITS’s work is needed to create environmentally-friendly innovations, IoT-based marketization, and green entrepreneurship,” he said. (NA / ITS PR)


Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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