(from left) The twins Husna Dinda Zulfana and Nuri Dinda Zulfana at the 125th ITS Graduation event, on 26 March 2022
ITS Campus, ITS News – There is something unique about the 125th Graduation event of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) on 26-27 March 2022. Among the graduates who attended the drive-thru, last Saturday (26/3), there were a pair of twin brothers from the Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) who graduated together, namely Husna Dinda Zulfana and Nuri Dinda Zulfana.
This pair of twins who are familiarly called Husna and Nuri intend to graduate together. How could it not be, Husna, who should have been able to attend last semester’s graduation, had to postpone her graduation schedule this semester to wait for Nuri, her twin partner. “Graduation moments are rare and only happen once in a lifetime, so I thought about graduating together because we don’t necessarily go to the same school again,” said Husna.
Last semester, according to Husna, Nuri had been a Covid-19 patient so she had not been able to complete her Final Project (TA). Seeing this condition, Husna deliberately did not complete the documents during the graduation so that he could accompany his brother to graduate in the next semester. “Our parents have no problem with this, for them the most important thing is that I have graduated and all that remains is my graduation,” said Husna.
Even so, the pair of identical twins who are seven minutes apart admitted that they chose the topic of TA that was not sustainable. Even though the TAs taken were both themed on Javanese culture, the media they chose were different. Husna’s TA leans towards editorial design using Javanese script media, while Nuri’s is more suitable for illustrations or drawings with ketoprak art media. “Husna’s interest is more in the design of visual books, while Nuri is in the comic machine,” said Nuri.
(from left) Husna Dnda Zulfana and Nuri Dinda Zulfana both graduated at the 125th ITS Graduation
From Kindergarten (TK) to college, the diplomas of the two daughters of the couple Dwi Madijantoro and Ululil Chusaida are known to have always been issued by the same institution. At first, Nuri admitted that she did not want to study in the same department as her brother. Husna first entered the ITS Industrial Product Design Department through the National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN).
Meanwhile, Nuri, who dreamed of entering the ITS Interior Design Department, did not make it through the SNMPTN track or the Joint Selection for State University Entrance (SBMPTN). “In the end, I signed up for the ITS Industrial Product Design Department via the Mandiri route and met Husna again,” recalled Nuri with a chuckle.
A pair of twin brothers from the ITS Industrial Product Design Department who graduated together at the ITS 125th Graduation
Not only that, the activities they participate in are the same. Both of them had participated in a short program at Kumamoto University, Japan in 2019. In addition, they have also been active in the Industrial Product Design Student Association (HIMA IDE) in the same department, namely in the field of Entrepreneurship. “We also often follow the same committees and off-campus activities,” added Nuri.
Being a brother as well as a friend, that’s a suitable expression for both of them. While studying at ITS, Nuri admitted that she never felt alone and lonely. The reason is, Husna is always by his side to help him. “We often do assignments together, help each other when something is not understood, and of course encourage each other,” explained the girl who was born in Magetan, on February 25, 1998.
For a moment, several funny experiences were also shared by Husna when she was a student at ITS. According to the twins from Madiun, their college friends are often wrong when they say their names. “Because our names are often confused, we are often called ‘twins’. Maybe many people don’t even know our names,” admitted Husna, laughing.
Husna Dinda Zulfana and Nuri Dinda Zulfana with their families after attending the 125th ITS Graduation, March 26, 2022, ago
In the future, these twins have the same target, namely to continue their studies abroad. At the end of the conversation, they exchanged messages with each other. They hope to continue to be together and enjoy the moment before they part ways when they work. “We hope to achieve the goals we want and be successful together,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Erchi Ad’ha Loyensya
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