ITS News

Monday, January 13, 2025
March 28, 2022 17:03

Supported by WHO, ITS Vibration Lab Introduces Noise Level Measuring Doll

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Laboratorium Vibrastik Departemen Teknik Fisika ITS membantu masyarakat menghitung kebisingan audio ponselnya dengan bantuan Jolene di Taman Bungkul, beberapa waktu lalu

The ITS Physics Engineering Department’s Vibration Laboratory helps the public to calculate the audio noise of their cellphones with the help of Jolene at Bungkul Park, some time ago

ITS Campus, ITS News – Commemorating World Hearing Day in March 2022, the Laboratory of Vibration and Acoustics (Vibrastics) Department of Physics Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) with the Department of ENT-Head of Neck Health Sciences Universitas Airlangga (Unair), Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr Soetomo, Association of ENT-Head Neck Doctors (Perhati-KL) North East Java Branch, and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), introduced the Jolene doll as a noise measurement device.

Based on the World Report on Hearing by WHO in 2021, highlighted the increasing number of people living at risk of experiencing hearing loss. This can be triggered by exposure to noise at a time-intensity beyond the recommended limits. “Hearing loss due to noise is permanent, so preventive measures need to be taken,” said the Indonesian regional Jolene Steering Committee, Dr dr Nyilo Purnami SpTHT-KL(K) FICS FISCM.

Dr dr Nyilo Purnami SpTHT-KL(K) FICS FISCM saat mempresentasikan materi mengenai resiko gangguan pendengaran

Dr dr Nyilo Purnami SpTHT-KL(K) FICS FISCM when presenting material on the risk of hearing loss

Efforts to prevent hearing loss can be done by adopting good listening habits, one of which is by monitoring the noise threshold. By knowing the sound level around us, several actions can be taken, such as starting to limit the audio volume to using ear protection such as earplugs in noisy areas. “Jolene is designed to read the audio level that the user hears,” said Dr. Dhany Arifianto ST MEng, the person in charge of the Indonesian regional World Hearing Day event.

Dr Dhany Arifianto ST MEng saat memaparkan mengenai boneka Jolene secara langsung di Gedung P kampus ITS

Dr. Dhany Arifianto ST MEng when explaining about the Jolene doll directly at Building P ITS campus

More deeply, Dhany describes how to use Jolene. First, the microphone placed in Jolene’s ear will pick up the sound around her. Next, the audio capture will be read by a Sound Level Meter (SLM) that is already connected to the microphone. “This SLM tool reads the ambient noise level,” added the Head of the ITS Research Center for Internet of Things and Defense Technology.

This ITS Physics Engineering Department lecturer continued that the audio level was in the form of a decibel value (dBA) which was read on the device, then it was identified as a safe duration level for listening to the strength of the sound. “Limiting the duration of noise exposure can save long-term hearing,” explained this 1992 ITS alumnus.

Boneka Jolene yang dirancang berkebaya ditujukan untuk regional Indonesia

The Jolene doll designed in a kebaya is intended for the Indonesian region

This safe duration can be determined through the national standardized table which includes the duration and noise level. An example of the reading is that the noise level that is read at 120 dBA on the SLM is safe to listen to with a duration of no more than 10 minutes. “The ideal volume level for listening to the music itself is 60 percent of the maximum limit for 60 minutes per day,” he explained.

Not limited to demonstrating in offline and online seminars with the theme To Be Able to Listen for a Lifetime, Listen Carefully! Of course, the Vibration Laboratory of the ITS Physics Engineering Department also disseminated the use of Jolene directly to the general public at Bungkul Park, some time ago. Laboratory assistants help people measure the noise level of their cell phones and educate them about the safe duration of listening to sounds with this noise.

Asisten Laboratorium Vibrastik Departemen Teknik Fisika ITS menunjukkan tingkat kebisingan audio telepon genggam peserta yang tertera di SLMThe assistant for the Vibration Laboratory of the ITS Physics Engineering Department shows the audio noise level of the participant’s cellphone listed on the SLM

Dhany hopes that in the future Jolene can be applied in public facilities to measure noise levels in public places. “Hopefully, with the development of Jolene in the community, people’s awareness of safe listening activities can increase,” he hoped. (ITS Public Relation/far)


Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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