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March 16, 2022 05:03

ITS Professor Researches the Characteristics of Corona Discharge on Electric Voltage

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Prof Dr Eng I Made Yulistya Negara ST MSc saat menyampaikan orasi ilmiahnya tentang karakteristik corona discharge dalam Pengukuhan Profesor ITS pada 15 Maret 2022

Prof. Dr. Eng, I Made Yulistya Negara ST MSc when delivering his scientific oration about the characteristics of corona discharge at the ITS Professor Inauguration on March 15, 2022

ITS Campus, ITS News – Along with the widespread use of high-voltage electrical equipment in the community, it is necessary to know an electrical equipment system. Prof. Dr. Eng, I Made Yulistya Negara ST MSc, one of the professors from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), to research the characteristics of corona discharge as early detection of damage to electrical energy system equipment.

Made explained that damage to electrical equipment indicates by the occurrence of a short circuit. In addition, it is also characterized by the discharge of electric current when the insulator experiences a decrease in the quality of the insulation, known as partial discharge. “Partial discharge is the event of the release of electric sparks due to the high potential difference in the insulation.” He explained.

Furthermore, He explained that one form of stable partial discharge is corona discharge. The corona discharge phenomenon is caused by the discharge of charge on the liquid or gas insulating medium that surrounds the conductor. Corona discharge can occur when an electric current is emitted from a pointed conductor directly into the air. “We are researching its characteristics to diagnose what damage has occurred to electrical equipment,” said the 146th ITS professor inaugurated last March 15.

Metode deteksi arcing pada tegangan rendah

Arcing detection method at low voltage

This ITS Electrical Engineering lecturer also said that the use of high-voltage electrical equipment requires complex isolation. The insulating material cannot be avoided from the presence of contaminants such as conductive particles moving in the insulation. As a result, complex isolation will be susceptible to the corona discharge phenomenon. “If it is not addressed immediately, it will cause damage to electrical equipment and can even experience a breakdown,” said the lecturer born on July 12, 1970.

In addition to high voltage, corona discharge characteristics are used to determine damage to low-voltage electrical equipment. One of them is a fire, the result of an arc flash that comes from the inside of the cable that is in contact and has a different potential. This event is known as arcing. By utilizing knowledge about the characteristics of corona discharge. It is possible to prevent fires from occurring in electrical equipment.

This father of three daughters explained that he and his colleagues at the High Voltage Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering ITSis developing equipment to detect arcing at low voltages. This is a follow-up to the use of knowledge on the characteristics of corona discharge.

Ilustrasi fenomena arcing (sumber:

Illustration of arcing phenomenon (source:

The development of these tools has also reached the testing of real systems. “It is hoped that soon. It can be produced and tested on public services such as in traditional markets.” said the husband of Nyoman Yuli Purnamasari hopefully.

Finally, The Professor graduated from S3 Electrical Engineering at Kyushu University and also hoped that the research he did could be useful in the future. The more you know about the characteristics of the corona discharge. The more you know about the condition of the electrical equipment we have.

“With the information we have, we can determine the right action to deal with damage to electrical equipment, thereby minimizing the occurrence of unwanted things,” concluded Made. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Rayinda Santriana US

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