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April 05, 2022 15:04

Committed to Complete Solutions, ITS – Mojokerto Regency Government Continues Cooperation

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Penandatanganan MoU oleh Bupati Mojokerto Dr Ikfina Fahmawati MSi (dua dari kiri) dan Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (dua dari kanan) di Gedung Rektorat ITS

MoU signing by Mojokerto Regent Dr. Ikfina Fahmawati MSi (second from left) and ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (second from right) at the ITS Rectorate Building

Kampus ITS, ITS News –The commitment of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to helping to solve problems in various regions in Indonesia continues. This time, the commitment was proven by extending the collaboration between ITS and the Mojokerto Regency Government (Pemkab) through the signing of a memorandum of understanding or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Monday (4/4).

Opening the meeting this time, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng appreciated the initiation of the two parties to be able to work together, considering that Mojokerto Regency is an area with a myriad of tourism, industrial and achievement potentials. “We are happy and willing to cooperate for the sake of (Regency) Mojokerto, ITS, and the entire community,” he said.

Furthermore, according to the rector who is usually called Ashari, the important points regarding the cooperation agreement this time focused on improving the quality and quantity of assistance in solving existing problems, consulting technical recommendations by experts at ITS, and improving community service management.

(dari kiri) Asisten Pemerintahan dan Kesra Pemkab Mojokerto Dr Didik Chusnul Yakin SSos MSi, Bupati Mojokerto Dr Ikfina Fahmawati MSi, Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, dan Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD usai penandatanganan MoU(from left) Mojokerto Regency Government and Welfare Assistant Dr. Didik Chusnul Yakin SSos MSi, Mojokerto Regent Dr. Ikfina Fahmawati MSi, ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, and ITS Vice-Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng Ph.D. after signing the MoU

As mentioned by the Regent of Mojokerto, Dr. Ikfina Fahmawati MSi, ITS’s contribution to these points will greatly help the Mojokerto Regency Government in the future. “ITS contribution regarding these points will help us as a basis for consideration in formulating the right policies,” he said.

Alluding to the first point, the first female regent in Mojokerto revealed that various problems ranging from frequent flooding of shipments, and poor waste management, to the area’s potential that was less than optimal, were some things that were felt to be solved with the help of ITS experts. “Because ITS has various experts in a wide range of fields,” he admitted.

Meanwhile, regarding consultation on technical recommendations (rekomtek) with experts at ITS, Ikfina added, it has been a long time since the previous cooperation agreement. He reviewed that the recommendations given by ITS gave the Mojokerto Regency Government its confidence in organizing everything.

Foto bersama jajaran pimpinan ITS dan Pemkab Mojokerto usai penandatanganan MoU di Gedung Rektorat ITS

Photo with the leadership of ITS and the Mojokerto Regency Government after the signing of the MoU at the ITS Rectorate Building

In this regard, according to Ikfina, the Mojokerto Regency Government also hopes that this collaboration will be able to improve the management of public services, particularly those concerning information technology. “It is also related to the making of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP),” he said.

Finally, Ikfina is happy to state its readiness to provide a forum for ITS experts and students who want to do research in Mojokerto. “Hopefully this cooperation will always be a better cooperation in the future,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Irwan Fitranto

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