ITS Campus, ITS News – In the last few days, there has been a lot of news related to opinions on social media written by Prof. Ir Budi Santosa MSc PhD, one of the lecturers of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) who is currently carrying out duties outside the institution as Chancellor of the Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK) for the 2018-2022 period.
The assignment was carried out after the person concerned registered himself as a rector candidate and was elected in the 2018 ITK Chancellor election carried out at the university. Related to this, ITS has taken action to address issues that continue to develop.
According to ITS Secretary Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc, ITS has responded since the beginning of the news sticking out in the community. Namely by coordinating internally first to determine follow-up.
In this coordination, the Chancellor asked the ITS Academic Senate (SA) to clarify the parties concerned. SA asked the ITS Professors Council as one of the SA tools to clarify and deepen, the results were discussed again in the SA Session and have also been submitted back to the Chancellor.
However, at that time, ITS could not take direct action because still waiting for the process that was also taking place at ITK as the institution where Prof Budi Santosa was carrying out his current duties. “This is to avoid being examined or processed twice for the same legal case,” the lecturer familiarly called Yuhana explained.
The lecturer of the Informatics Engineering Department revealed that after receiving an official application letter from the ITK Academic Senate dated May 9, 2022, to process-related parties according to the rules and code of ethics of ITS lecturers, ITS immediately followed up. Namely, by holding a coordination meeting by three ITS organs, namely the Board of Trustees (MWA), the Academic Senate (SA), and the Chancellor’s organ.
Based on the results of the coordination meeting of the three organs and referring to the ITS Chancellor’s Regulation Number 16 of 2013 concerning the ITS Lecturer Code of Ethics, an ad hoc ITS Lecturer Professional Honor Council has now been formed. This Honorary Council consists of nine people from the three elements of the organ above, chaired by Prof. Dr. Ir Tri Yogi Yuwono DEA (ITS Chancellor for the 2011-2015 period) with duties and authorities per applicable regulations.
After being formed, the ITS Lecturer Professional Honorary Council immediately started working today. “We hope that the ITS Lecturer Professional Honor Council will soon be able to obtain results, which will later be used as material for the Chancellor’s consideration in making decisions on the case,” said Yuhana. (ITS PR)
Translator : Hanifah Inayah
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