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June 02, 2022 15:06

Form of International Collaboration, ITS Offers Waste Management Solutions

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Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (DRPM) ITS Fadlilatul Taufany ST PhD (kanan) menyerahkan token penghargaan kepada perwakilan Pemkot Kediri Ferry Djatmiko

ITS Director of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Fadlilatul Taufany ST Ph.D. (right) handed over an award token as a sign to waste management solutions to the representative of the Kediri City Government, Ferry Djatmiko

ITS Campus, ITS News – Garbage is a source of problems and disasters that often occur in large and medium-sized cities. Departing from a concern for waste management, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) collaborated with Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, and the City Government (Pemkot) of Kediri to try to offer solutions for good waste management.

The solution discourse was discussed in the Launch Event of Building a Local Sustainable Supply Chain Network for Recyclable Materials for Medium-Sized Cities in SE Asia (Indonesia), which was held at the ITS Rectorate Building Monday (30/5) afternoon—presented directly by Prof Thomas Wagner as the project leader Building a Local Sustainable Supply Chain Network for Recyclable Materials for Medium-Sized Cities in SE Asia.

Representing the ITS Chancellor, Fadlilatul Taufany ST Ph.D. as ITS Director of Research and Community Service (DRPM), explained that ITS has been actively innovating from year to year in developing intelligent technology, one of which is in the field of robotics. “In 2022, ITS will start moving to develop the smart industry sector,” said the lecturer, who is familiarly called Taufany.

Direktur RPM ITS Fadlilatul Taufany ST PhD (kanan) menyerahkan token penghargaan kepada perwakilan Heriot Watt University Dr Agnessa Spanellis

ITS RPM Director Fadlilatul Taufany ST Ph.D. (right) handed over an award token to Heriot Watt University representative Dr. Agnessa Spanellis

He continued that ITS really hopes to be able to go further with the target of developing an intelligent environment in 2023. To achieve this, according to him, a lot of collaboration is needed from various parties, especially the government, to help solve industrial and environmental problems, one of which is regarding solid waste management. “It is hoped that more parties will collaborate in the waste recycling business industry,” a lecturer at the Chemical Engineering Department.

In line with this, Prof Thomas Wagner explained that most solid waste is not recycled. Solid waste management is essential for a medium-sized city with hundreds of thousands of residents. “Therefore, urgent action and innovative solutions are needed to solve the waste management problem,” he reminded.

Suasana pemaparan inovasi proyek Building a Local Sustainable Supply Chain Network for Recyclable Materials for Medium-Sized Cities in SE Asia di Gedung Rektorat ITS

The atmosphere of the presentation of the innovation of the Building a Local Sustainable Supply Chain Network for Recyclable Materials for Medium-Sized Cities in SE Asia at the ITS Rectorate Building

Furthermore, Thomas explained that waste bank innovation is one of the alternative solutions for solid waste management in Indonesia, which aims to increase waste recycling nationally. This waste bank is connected to the application system to increase the efficiency of the recycling process. In addition, the developed waste bank is also equipped with knowledge about the environment that will build a new mindset in the society.

To harmonize the movement massively, the government will participate in the collaboration built so that the waste management process is carried out more quickly and efficiently. To facilitate the application of this innovation, Thomas divided the collaboration team into two roles. “The role of glue to connect people using scientific applications, and the role of megaphones to communicate projects to the public,” he said.

The practice of this innovation started in the City of Kediri as a small-scale research city in waste management. As a prosperous city that has become a living laboratory in this waste bank innovation, the Head of the Transportation Service of the Kediri City Government, Ferry Djatmiko, expressed his appreciation to the ITS team – at Heriot Watt University.

Prof Thomas Wagner memaparkan secara daring tentang inovasi proyeknya terkait pengelolaan sampah

Prof Thomas Wagner explained online about his project innovations related to waste management.

Ferry said that the City of Kediri has targeted a 30 percent reduction in waste by 2025. “Based on the report on policies and strategies for the City of Kediri in 2020, there is still a 20 percent reduction in waste,” he said further.

With the difficult task of managing waste, Ferry believes that an integrated waste management program from upstream to downstream is needed so that the waste reduction program carried out can be on target. One solution that can be done is through waste bank innovation, resulting from ITS collaboration with Heriot Watt University. “I hope that waste becomes something that has a use-value and selling value,” he concluded.

(AJ / ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Zanubiya Arifah Khofsoh

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