ITS News

Monday, January 13, 2025
May 31, 2022 21:05

Awakening the Culture of Drinking Herbal Medicine, ITS Launches ITS Djamoe

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Speech delivered by ITS Secretary Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc representing the ITS Chancellor at the launching of ITS Djamoe

ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the contributing institutions, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again created innovations that are beneficial to society. This time, the Chemistry Laboratory of Natural and Synthetic Materials (KIBAS) from the ITS Chemistry Department, in collaboration with the ITS Agri-Food and Biotechnology Research Center (Puslit Agrifotech), launched ITS Djamoe, which is located at the Research, Innovation and Technology Gallery (GRIT) ITS Research Center Building hybrid, Tuesday (31/5).

ITS Research Officer Djamoe Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc Ph.D. said that the first research on herbal medicine was carried out in 2002 to research medicinal plants. She said that the research was inspired by the Head of the KIBAS Laboratory at that time, Prof. Drs. Taslim Ersam MS. “This research has been done for 20 years,” she explained.

Penanggung Jawab Riset ITS Djamoe Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD menyampaikan penjelasan tentang ITS Djamoe

ITS Research Officer Djamoe Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc Ph.D. delivered an explanation about ITS Djamoe

The woman familiarly called Fatma revealed that the process of making herbal drinks has similarities with other companies. Even though it is made from temulawak and meniran, she commented that quality control is the key to distinguishing it from herbal medicine produced by ITS. “Of course, we always examine the composition of the herbal ingredients we use,” she said.

The Chemistry Department lecturer explained that products from ITS Djamoe had benefited the community, especially those infected with Covid-19 at the beginning of the last pandemic. “During isoman (self-isolation), we distribute some herbal medicine in 10,000 packages to patients to help boost immunity,” she explained.

Penanggung Jawab Riset ITS Djamoe Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD (dua dari kanan) menunjukkan hasil produk dari ITS Djamoe

ITS Research Officer Djamoe Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc Ph.D. (second from right) shows the results of products from ITS Djamoe

As a supporter of the distribution of ITS Djamoe, ITS embraces herbal farmers and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that have plant and herbal medicine businesses. “We also cooperate in production with PT Payung Pusaka Mandiri,” she explained.

Fatma also explained that in 20 years, the KIBAS Laboratory, the ITS Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM), and other stakeholders created more than 300 studies, 500 more isolated, and 300 more synthesized compounds.

Seremoni minum jamu bersama yang menandai diluncurkannya produk riset ITS Djamoe

The ceremony of drinking herbal medicine together marked the launch of ITS Djamoe’s research products.

Finally, the best female researcher in Indonesia hopes that this research can increase as time and technology develop in the future. The presence of ITS Djamoe is also expected to be able to revive the culture of drinking herbal medicine in today’s society, especially in the younger generation. “Our ancestors left behind many herbal methods that are beneficial to humans. Therefore, we must continue to develop it further,” she reminded. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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