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June 22, 2022 07:06

KRI 2022 Regional Selection Ends, ITS Wins Four Categories

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Ketua Pelaksana KRI 2022 Dr I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT menyampaikan hasil laporan akhir KRI Tingkat Wilayah 2022

Chief Executive of KRI 2022 Dr I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT delivered the final report of KRI 2022 Regional Level

ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the competent institutions, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has completed its obligations as the host of the Regional Level Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) with the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology (Pusprenas Kemendikbud research). This closing event was carried out in a hybrid manner: via Zoom and coming to the ITS Research Center Building for invited guests, Monday (13/6).

The Chief Executive of KRI 2022 Dr I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT said, 281 teams from 125 universities in Indonesia made it into the regional selection stage. He also stated that team participants who made it through to the national round would compete at ITS offline. “We have discussed that ITS Graha Ten November Building will hold the KRI National Level offline,” he said.

Tim Rider ITS berhasil menyabet juara satu dalam kategori Kontes Robot ABU Indonesia (KRAI)

The ITS Rider Team won first place in the ABU Indonesia Robot Contest (KRAI) category

In his report, there are six kinds of competition categories in the KRI. The Indonesian ABU Robot Contest (KRAI), Indonesian Search and Rescue Robot Contest (KRSI), Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) humanoid and wheeled, Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI), and Indonesian Thematic Robot Contest (KRTI). “These categories have been explained in the KRI guidebook belonging to the Pusprenas,” he explained.

Furthermore, the Chairperson of the KRI 2022 Jury, Prof. Dr. Eng Drs. Benyamin Kusumoputro, proudly said that as many as 46 teams had successfully qualified for the national level. “We are proud to announce 22 teams from West Indonesia, and 24 teams from East Indonesia have made it through to the next round,” he said.

Tim Ichiro ITS berhasil menyabet juara satu dalam kategori Kontes Robot Sepak Bola Humanoid Indonesia (KRSBI-H)

The ITS Ichiro team managed to win first place in the Indonesian Humanoid Football Robot Contest (KRSBI-H) category

Not only being the host, ITS also won first place in four types of contest categories, the humanoid and wheeled KRSBI, thematic, and ABU. This shows that ITS is ready and always at the forefront of artificial intelligence. “Of course, ITS must make this a matter of pride,” said Eddy as the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology (FTEIC).

Ending the KRI Regional Level, Eddy hoped that the participants who passed to the next round would keep their spirits up until the end of the KRI 2022. He also respected the participants who had not progressed to the next stage. “We appreciate your sportsmanship during this competition. Keep the spirit because this is not the end of everything,” he concluded proudly. (ITS PR)

Tim Rival ITS berhasil menyabet juara satu dalam kategori Kontes Robot Tematik Indonesia (KRTMI)

The ITS Rival Team won first place in the Indonesian Thematic Robot Contest (KRTMI) category

Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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