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May 27, 2022 17:05

Collaborating with Universities from Finland, ITS Steps into Being a 6G Ambassador

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng dan Liaison Manager - 6G Flagship Center at Oulu University Mika Rantakokko bersama jajaran pimpinan ITS dan pihak terkait

ITS Rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng and Liaison Manager – 6G Flagship Center at Oulu University Mika Rantakokko with ITS leadership and related parties

ITS Campus, ITS News –After successfully establishing a 5G Experience Center, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) does not stop to continue to develop innovations in the field of telecommunications. This time lined up to be a 6G Ambassador, and ITS continues its collaboration with Oulu University, which was conveyed through a discussion between ITS and a delegation from Finland at the ITS Rectorate Building Friday (27/5).

As is well known, in September 2021, ITS successfully established a 5G Experience Center, one of the ITS Science Techno Park (STP) Areas, and is located in the ITS Robotics Center Building in collaboration with Nokia, Indosat Ooredoo, and Oulu University. This time, ITS will not only continue its cooperation in the 5G Experience Center program but also begin to develop 6G technology.

The discussion meeting was attended by ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng, ITS Area Manager of ICT – Robotics, as well as Person in Charge (PIC) of the ITS 5G Experience Center development program Dr. Ir Endroyono DEA, Liaison Manager – 6G Flagship Center at Oulu University Mika Rantakokko, Head of Indosat Ooredoo Group Danabalan Amirthalingam, and several related ITS ranks.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng menyampaikan sambutannya dalam acara diskusi dengan Oulu University, Finlandia

ITS Rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng delivered his remarks in discussion with Oulu University, Finland

Through his remarks, the Rector, often called Ashari, said that Oulu University is one of the leading universities in the field of telecommunications, so ITS can explore many cooperation opportunities. “For example, in terms of the development of the Science Techno Park, especially in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which will start research on 6G,” he explained.

Furthermore, this ITS Electrical Engineering professor stated his desire to cooperate with Oulu University as a partner university in the Joint Degree program for International Undergraduate Program (IUP) students and doctoral programs. “Hopefully, this collaboration can also support ITS’ new study program, namely Telecommunication Engineering,” he said.

Liaison Manager - 6G Flagship Center at Oulu University Mika Rantakokko menyampaikan pendapatnya dalam diskusi antara Oulu University dan ITS

Liaison Manager – 6G Flagship Center at Oulu University Mika Rantakokko expressed his opinion in a discussion between Oulu University and ITS

Responding to this, Mika Rantakokko enthusiastically welcomed the cooperation. He revealed that Oulu University has experience in ICT development and stated its readiness to assist ITS in continuing the 5G Experience Center program and developing 6G. “We are very enthusiastic about being immediately involved and realizing this collaboration,” he confirmed.

Manajer Kawasan TIK – Robotika ITS sekaligus PIC Program Pengembangan 5G Experience Center ITS Dr Ir Endroyono DEA memandu acara diskusi antara Oulu University dan ITS

ICT Area Manager – ITS Robotics as well as PIC of the ITS 5G Experience Center Development Program, Dr. Ir Endroyono DEA, guided the discussion between Oulu University and ITS

Meanwhile, Dr. Ir Endroyono, DEA, revealed that as a university that is considered qualified in developing 6G research, ITS was lined up to become a 6G Ambassador. “Not only doing 6G research, as 6G Ambassador ITS also plays a role in informing the public about 6G,” he said.

The continuation of the exploration of cooperation between ITS and Oulu University will be discussed further and inaugurated with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which will take place at Oulu University, Finland, in September 2022. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin

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