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July 20, 2022 20:07

ITS Abmas Strengthens the Image of Tourism Village with Destination Branding

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Tim Abmas ITS saat melakukan diskusi dengan perangkat desa terkait strategi branding Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik

The ITS Abmas team, during a discussion with tourism village officials regarding the branding strategy of Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik

ITS Campus ITS News – The Community Service Team (Abmas) from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is again moving to contribute to the outside community. This time, to promote the potential of Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik, the ITS Abmas team helped improve the village’s image through the design of a representative branding strategy.

As the Head of the Abmas Project, Putri Dwitasari ST MDs said. However, it is located in the tomb area of ​​Wali Songo, Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Unfortunately, Gapurosukolilo Village is not well known by many people. In addition, the village community also does not have an awareness of the many tourist wealth that exists in Gapurosukolilo Village. “Its strategic location in the scope of cultural heritage and tourist destinations has great potential for tourists to visit,” said the lecturer of the Visual Communication Design Department (DKV).

Para dosen dari Tim Abmas ITS yang menggarap proyek strategi branding Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik

Lecturers from the ITS Abmas Team who worked on the branding strategy project of Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik

Para mahasiswa anggota Tim Abmas ITS yang menggarap proyek strategi branding Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik

Student members of the ITS Abmas Team working on the branding strategy project of Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik

If the potential in the village can be maximized, continued Putri can help economic growth. The community will get decent, productive, and comprehensive work opportunities. “This is in line with the goals that this village wants to achieve and realize the mission of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 8,” he explained.

Therefore, according to Putri, strong and lasting branding is needed to represent this village. A clear and consistent identity can later be remembered, creating a sense of trust for consumers or visitors. “Of course, this can also facilitate promotion and marketing from Gapurosukolilo Village itself,” he said.

Desain banner rancangan tim Abmas ITS untuk branding Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik

Banner design designed by the ITS Abmas team for branding Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik

The Abmas team led by Putri consisted of Ari Dwi Krisbianto ST MDs, Hertina Susandari ST MT (lecturer in the Department of Industrial Product Design), and five DKV students. This team feels that Gapurosukolilo Village does not yet have an integrated branding strategy to reach the target segment.

Desain petunjuk kawasan Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik yang dirancang oleh tim Abmas ITS

Design guidelines for the Gapurosukolilo Village area, Gresik, designed by the ITS Abmas team

In addition, the village headed by Hasan Hasim Al Habsyi does not yet have digital media to promote its tourism potential. “Therefore, our Abmas team carries out several strategies and proposals to build the image of the village,” said the former Head of the ITS Institutional Promotion and Image Subunit.

The branding system implemented by the Abmas team uses data collection methods through literature studies, competitor studies, observations, and interviews with local village officials. The discussion regarding the design of this branding also invited a public figure who served as the Chairman of the Sunan Malik Ibrahim Tomb Foundation, Dr. Taufiq Harris MPd.

Mock up desain gerbang Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik rancangan tim Abmas ITS

Mock up the gate design of Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik, designed by the ITS Abmas team

Putri said that the people of Gapurosukolilo Village welcomed this abmas project. Discussions with the village head and secretary were also very cooperative. Outcomes resulting from discussions related to the proposed branding design in this village include the visual identity of Gapurosukolilo Village, the creation of the village Sign System, and print media in the form of a Graphic Standard Manual (GSM), and banners and banners. “In addition, there is village promotion through Television Commercial (TVC) which is still in the editing stage,” he said.

Mock up implementasi identificational sign Desa Gapurosukolilo, Gresik rancangan tim Abmas ITS

Mock-up of identificational sign implementation in Gapurosukolilo Village, Gresik, organized by the ITS Abmas team

Furthermore, explained Putri, later they will continue the promotion of village potential that they worked on from June 2022 until now to realize the new image of Gapurosukolilo Village. The hope is that this branding will generate trust from tourists to experience the tourism potential of Gapurosukolilo Village. “It is hoped that this strategic planning can have an impact on village development and its derivative products in the fields of economy, tourism, culture, and others,” he concluded. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Fatima Az Zahra

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