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July 23, 2022 23:07

ITS Sharpens Insights in Facing Disruption in the Industrial Sector Through MOTIP 05

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Dekan Sekolah Interdisiplin Manajemen Teknologi (SIMT) ITS Prof I Nyoman Pujawan PhD CSCP saat membuka MOTIP 05 secara daring

Dean of the ITS Interdisciplinary School of Technology Management (SIMT) Prof I Nyoman Pujawan Ph.D. CSCP, when opening MOTIP 05 online

ITS Campus, ITS News – The times have also disrupted various fields in the industrial sector. Therefore knowledge is needed to overcome this. Bringing this up, the Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held The 5th International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project (MOTIP 05) online Saturday (23/7).

Held twice a year, MOTIP 05 is an arena for researchers, practitioners, academics, and students to voice research and ideas in technology, innovation, and project management. The Dean of SIMT ITS Prof I Nyoman Pujawan Ph.D. CSCP revealed this conference was designed to discuss various problems faced by the industry in the management field.

The ITS System and Industrial Engineering Professor continued that this webinar can be a forum to increase understanding of the topics discussed by presenters and participants. Through presentations, presenters can become more familiar with the material they are talking about and add insight to the participants. “Solving existing research problems can be an additional perspective for listeners,” he said.

Prof Dr Suhaiza Hanim Binti Dato Mohamad Zailani menjelaskan secara daring seputar reverse logistics dan green logistics dalam MOTIP 05

Prof. Dr. Suhaiza Hanim Binti Dato Mohamad Zailani explains online about reverse logistics and green logistics in MOTIP 05

Discussing logistics management, Professor of Supply Chain from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Suhaiza Hanim bint Dato Mohamad Zailani, explained that conventional supply chains could produce tradeoffs in the form of pollution, greenhouse gas, and resource depletion. “One of the tips to achieve sustainable production and consumption is applying the circular economy concept,” he explained.

This concept combines green logistics and reverses logistics methods to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while helping industry activists. We can accomplish this by minimizing the negative environmental impact coupled with reverse logistics, which adds reuse, remanufacture, and recycle processes to process waste into new products.

Prof Dr Suhaiza Hanim binti Dato Mohamad Zailani menjelaskan reverse logistics yang menerapkan konsep reuse, recycle, dan remanufacture produk tak terpakai untuk menjadi produk baru

Prof. Dr. Suhaiza Hanim Binti Dato Mohamad Zailani explained reverse logistics, which applies the concepts of reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing unused products to become new products.

Not only that but utilizing digitalization technology also supports the concept of green logistics. Some of them are through the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence in applying existing innovations. “Some of these systems can optimize the planning process while reducing the negative impact on the environment,” he said.

Suhaiza continued, adding new value to the logistics process also encountered obstacles in its implementation. Starting from the need for the application of green technology, understanding the SDGs, and digitization. “The circular economy requires industry activists to see this concept as a competitive tool,” he concluded. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono

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