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June 08, 2022 14:06

After the SBMPTN, ITS will socialize the SKM Path for Prospective Students in 2022

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Direktur Pendidikan ITS Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng memaparkan materi sosialisasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru ITS jalur Seleksi Kemitraan dan Mandiri (SKM) secara daring

ITS Director of Education Dr. Eng Siti Macheasy ST MEng explained the online socialization material for ITS New Student Admissions through the Partnership and Independent Selection (SKM)

ITS Campus, ITS News Institut Teknik Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again to socialize the selection of new student admissions in 2022. After the implementation of the Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN), ITS continued with the socialization of the Partnership and Independent Selection (SKM) which was held online Wednesday (8/6).

ITS Director of Education Dr. Eng Siti Macheasy ST MEng explained that the ITS SKM pathway was officially opened for registration starting on June 2 – 26, 2022. This selection uses the 2022 Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK), which is held by Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT), or the value of the ITS 2022 Academic Ability Test (TKA) or the ITS 2022 Design Entrance Exam (UMDesain) (specifically for the design study program) organized by ITS. “The Partnership and Independent Selection provides opportunities for SMA/MA/SMK graduates in the last three years,” she explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the ITS Admissions Sub-directorate (Kasubdit), Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc, also explained the difference between Independent and Partnership selection. The Partnership Selection is for SMA/MA/SMK students who are envoys from company partner agencies, Provincial governments, City governments, and the Regency Government who have a memorandum of understanding with ITS. Meanwhile, the Independent selection is for interested SMA/MA/SMK students from the general public. If you take part in the Independent selection, it is based on the UTBK/TKA/UMDesign scores and other criteria. “As for the Partnership selection, it is only required to input the UTBK participant number. There is no need for the UTBK value,” she explained.

Dr Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc menjelaskan timeline pelaksanaan jadwal penerimaan mahasiswa baru ITS yang telah dimulai sejak Febuari 2022

Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc explained the timeline for the implementation of the ITS new student admission schedule, which started in February 2022

This year, ITS has again opened a selection scheme through UMDesain, namely the design entrance exam, which is included in the SKM scheme. This exam is only specifically for applicants who want to enter three ITS design study programs: Visual Communication Design (DKV), Industrial Product Design (Despro), and Interior Design.

According to Unggul, the existence of UMDesign can help prospective creative students who have an interest in talent in the field of design. So far, they have experienced problems because of their non-science background in high school and obstacles in doing the UTBK.

In the implementation of UMDesain, registrants take a package of mandatory tests. Among them are TPA and drawing exams. The UTBK scores for Science and Technology and Soshum can be included and are only considered if the value achieved exceeds the TPA value. The implementation of UMDesain itself will be held on July 3, 2022, and will be held in two cities, namely Surabaya and Jakarta.

Furthermore, Unggul also explained the reopening of the regular selection path for vocational (D4). “Selection for vocational or D4 can choose the regular path whose UKT follows the category of parental ability and without SPI (Institutional Development Donations) or the Independent path which has to pay UKT and SPI,” said the lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Department. For regular selection, prospective students can receive the Indonesia Smart Card – College (KIP-K), but only for A and B-accreditation study programs.

In addition to the SKM pathway, there is also an International Undergraduate Program (IUP) selection. Later, students are obligated to internationalization activities such as student exchanges, summer programs, and joint degree cooperation. IUP registration is held in three waves until it closes next July.

All registration is done online through the page. Later, registrants are directed to create an account on myITS SSO. The account creation will be used to register for the entry selection routes. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Silvita Pramadani

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