ITS Campus, ITS News – After two years of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and the Global Partnership (GP) Directorate once more hosted a Community and Technological Camp (CommTECH) 2022 offline. This time, CommTECH Highlights focuses on utilizing technical and cultural global perspectives to address academic and non-academic issues in Indonesia and other participating nations.
The activity, which was attended by participants from different nations on the Asian continent, was officially launched by ITS on Monday (25/7), as marked by the presentation of the CommTECH participant ID by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng at the ITS Rectorate Building. With this, ITS intends to be able to synergize problems in the realm of education and culture between countries.
The Chancellor, who is familiarly called Ashari, revealed that the CommTECH activity was a success as an event for ITS to introduce itself to the global world. Continuing to develop, ITS will raise several hot global issues starting from the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Revolution 5.0, and so on, that it becomes a vehicle for GP Directorate to continue to elevate ITS’s name in the eyes of the world.
With ten innovation research laboratories and four technology industry clusters it owns, including the automotive, maritime, robotics, and digital creative industries, ITS is constantly prepared to advance research and innovation. According to this professor of electrical engineering, “it is envisaged that different course offerings and case studies would be able to use the laboratory at ITS, so they can answer important changes for the world.”
Additionally, participants in this international activity are anticipated to gain various fresh experiences. Participants to learn about cultural concerns not covered in class and how to use technology. “I hope you’ll be able to make the most of this chance and establish networks with other friends,” he remarked.
Meanwhile, Dr. Maria Anityasari, Director of the ITS Global Partnership Association, outlined how CommTECH was initially founded as a result of ITS’s lack of recognition on a global scale. As a result, a unique course that is open to instructors and students worldwide was developed. Additionally, she added, “ITS also provides specific scholarships for international students who wish to attend ITS.”
According to Maria, knowledgeable ITS instructors and students will explain the engineering materials. In addition, the GP Directorate invited both internal and external ITS parties to contribute to the creation of materials that involved participants, such as through studying local dances, batik, and other arts.
After 10 years of this activity, the doctoral alumnus from The University New South Wales in Australia hopes that the CommTECH program in the future can continue to develop consistently. “CommTECH will continue to run as ITS’ reach expands to be known as a quality institution by academics around the world,” concluded Maria optimistically. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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