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June 20, 2022 18:06

ITS Launches the First Quantum Computing and Information Group in Indonesia

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Sambutan peresmian ITS Quantum Computing and Information Group oleh Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (DRPM) ITS Fadlilatul Taufany ST PhD secara daring

Welcoming speech from the inauguration of the ITS Quantum Computing and Information Group by the ITS Director of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Fadlilatul Taufany ST PhD online

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to intensify its mission as a leading Research and Innovation University in Indonesia. This is proven by the presence of the ITS Quantum Computing and Information Group, the first community in Indonesia to answer national and international research objectives in the field of quantum computer technology which was inaugurated in a hybrid manner Monday (20/6).

This quantum computer is one type of computer technology with sophisticated systems widely used in industry and education. Quantum computers are used as a renewable technology by some of the world’s foremost companies as a means of investment. This technology can support better company or agency performance in providing services.

In his remarks, ITS Director of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Fadlilatul Taufany ST PhD expressed his willingness to broaden the scope of research at ITS in order to meet the industrial and technical revolution through research and development. Additionally, he underlined that he is prepared to assist outside industries in processing data much faster than traditional computers, particularly given that this is the first academic initiative in Indonesia.

According to him, the presence of the community is due to the planning of an increasingly modern computing system. Quantum computers have a system that is more advanced. The instructor at the Chemical Engineering Department stated, “For instance, ideally a quantum computer can execute computations in 200 seconds, whereas the fastest computer in the world takes up to 10,000 years to solve the calculation.”

Pemaparan rancangan bahasan utama ITS Quantum Computing and Information Group oleh guru besar ITS Prof Dr Darminto (layar kanan)

Presentation of the main discussion design of ITS Quantum Computing and Information Group by ITS professor Prof Dr Darminto (right screen)

Although it has several advantages over classical computers or other types of computers, building a quantum computer is still very expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare procedures and further understanding through the community before being deployed directly to meet the needs of the industry.

On the other hand, Prof. Agus Purwanto DSc explained the known theory of quantum computing in technical terms. According to him, computers have used computational systems based on theoretical and material behavioral principles at different atomic and subatomic levels. These computers use quantum bits (qubits) that can encode information with values ​​1 and 0.

With this applied qubit system, it is possible to simultaneously use transistors or electronic amplifiers to be 1 or 0. The more intertwined qubits, the more power a quantum computer can generate. “Therefore, if this quantum computer is utilized to conduct simulations and analyze data in line with ITS, for example for chemical and pharmaceutical research, it will be fantastic,” he explained.

Pemaparan materi dan teknis teknologi informasi dan komputer kuantum di Indonesia oleh Dr Wirawan (layar kanan bawah)

Material and technical presentation of information technology and quantum computers in Indonesia by Dr Wirawan (bottom right screen)

Before reaching the computer procurement target, the quantum computing community project will first focus on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory. Because in the future quantum theory that will be applied in this community itself will explain the behavior of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic levels.

Prof. Agus Purwanto DSc fully hopes for the community to continue improving innovation and technology development at ITS. So that in the future large projects can empower quantum computer technology. He hoped that the Indonesian people are also expected to see the quantum computing technology exclusively. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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