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August 19, 2022 20:08

First Joint Degree Graduation, Seven ITS Students Recruited by South Korean Shipbuilders

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Sebanyak 27 mahasiswa program joint degree Departemen Teknik Perkapalan ITS yang berhasil lulus perdana pada wisuda di Mokpo National University, Korea Selatan

A total of 27 students of the ITS Maritime Engineering Department joint degree program successfully graduated at the graduation at Mokpo National University, South Korea.

ITS Campus ITS News –To become an international university, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continue to intensify the Joint Degree (S1) Program with various foreign universities as one effort that can do. This time, the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding ITS graduated the first 27 graduates from the joint degree program in Jakarta Mokpo National University (MNU), South Korea, Friday (19/8).

Prosesi upacara kelulusan yang diselenggarakan di Auditorium Mokpo National University, Korea Selatan

Graduation ceremony procession held at Mokpo National University Auditorium, South Korea

Collaborating since 2017, Dean Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) ITS, Dr. Eng Trika Pitana ST MSc, said that the joint degree program between ITS and MNU was the idea of ​ Department of Naval Architecture with the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri and the former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the Mutual Cooperation Cabinet Prof. Dr. Ir Rokhmin Dahuri MS.

Warmly welcoming the graduates, Trika explained that the joint degree program was only officially opened in 2018. Therefore, this graduation ceremony is the first time for the ITS Department of Naval Architecture. “There were seven graduates who were immediately accepted at a South Korean shipbuilding company, and three graduates received a master’s scholarship at MNU,” Trika said proudly.

Ketiga mahasiswa ITS program joint degree yang berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa magister di Mokpo National University usai diwisuda

Three joint degrees program ITS students managed to get a master’s scholarship at Mokpo National University after graduation.

The seven graduates who got jobs at the South Korean shipbuilding company were Muhammad Raihan Septianto, Daffa Athallah Putra, Adinda Zelbie Nabilla, and Afanin Tahany. They were accepted at BOWON M&P Co Ltd. Meanwhile, Meidi Azzahra Utoyo was accepted at KR Engineering Co Ltd, Anggie Usman Fernandes was accepted at YUIL Co Ltd, and Oliver Khrisna Ramadhany at KHAN.

The alumnus of Kobe University Japan then named three other graduates who got a master’s scholarship at MNU. The three are Adrian Rahmanto Putra, Trinita Laras Puspita Dewandari, and Mutiara Setyaning Dwityas. “This opportunity increases opportunities for ITS and the department to increase internationalization further,” said the Department of Naval Architecture lecturer who accompanied the graduation procession with ITS Vice Rector IV Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng Ph.D. in South Korea.

Empat wisudawan program joint degree ITS - MNU yang diterima di BOWON M&P Co Ltd, Korea Selatan

Four graduates of the ITS – MNU joint degree program who were accepted at BOWON M&P Co Ltd, South Korea

While taking students to their graduation gowns, Trika said that one of the biggest obstacles faced was when there was a student quarantine process due to the Covid-19 pandemic and language barriers. In the future, Trika wants students who join the joint degree program also to learn Korean to facilitate their educational process later.

On the same occasion, the Head of the ITS Department of Naval Architecture Department, Ir Wasis Dwi Aryawan, MSc Ph.D., explained the cooperation between ITS and MNU. MNU itself is one of the leading universities in South Korea that has a significant role in ship production. Therefore, this collaboration is a step for the department to bring Indonesia to become one of the largest shipbuilding countries in the world.

Wisudawan joint degree ITS - MNU yang berhasil diterima di perusahaan KHAN, Korea Selatan

ITS – MNU joint degree graduates who accepted at the KHAN company, South Korea

The bespectacled man said that ITS and MNU are focused on the maritime field and advancing naval technology. In addition, the two universities also provide modern laboratories to support education. “We also provide a wide green open space to support a sustainable learning process,” said Wasis.

Wisudawan joint degree ITS - MNU yang diterima di KR Engineering Co Ltd, Korea Selatan

ITS – MNU joint degree graduates accepted at KR Engineering Co Ltd, South Korea

Wasis also explained the joint degree program scheme, where students will get two degrees at once: a Bachelor of Engineering (ST) from ITS and a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) from MNU. Meanwhile, the curriculum implemented is in the form of three years of studying at ITS and one year of completing education at MNU with 145-semester credit units (SKS). “The portion is 83 credits at ITS and 62 credits at MNU,” continued the alumnus of Newcastle University, England.

Wisudawan joint degree ITS - MNU yang diterima di YUIL Co Ltd, Korea Selatan

ITS – MNU joint degree graduates accepted at YUIL Co Ltd, South Korea

Seeing the great opportunity, Wasis hopes that the graduates will be able to give color to the national shipping industry and apply the knowledge they learned in South Korea. Furthermore, the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding ITS will develop broader programs such as joint degrees for master’s programs. Not only that, but the department also supports the welding training center to produce international quality welders or welders in the future. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Yanwa Evia Java

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