ITS Campus, ITS News– To increase the absorption and use of post-campus graduates, vocational higher education needs to be in close synergy with developing the digital industry 4.0. To prepare for this, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), ready to accompany Prasetiya Mulya University, established a targeted vocational faculty relevant to the needs of the business industry and the world of work.
Marked by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the ITS Rectorate Building Friday (8/7), ITS was trusted by Prasetiya Mulya University to go directly to the project of establishing a vocational faculty in the relevant agency. Not only that but ITS was also asked to carry out initial synergies in the realm of education and vocational students.
The Rector of Prasetiya Mulya University, Prof. Dr. Djisman S Simandjuntak, revealed that in ensuring the quality of education and the quality of this new faculty, the university certainly requires the transfer of knowledge from universities in Indonesia that have exemplary achievements in this field. “We believe ITS can build and brand our vocational faculties well by looking at the academic potentials that have been analyzed,” he said.
Furthermore, Djisman explained that the establishment of the vocational faculty was motivated by the increasingly rapid development of science and technology in all fields, which contributed to the development of the vocational faculty. This new faculty will also be adapted to the vision, mission, and basic needs of students, which are linear with the business world and the development of the Industrial World Business World (DUDI).
To prepare the competencies needed by DUDI, Djisman explained that the vocational education curriculum must be able to accommodate the dynamics that occur in the work environment. “Changes in the structure of education must be updated from time to time so as not to be out of date,” he added.
Meanwhile, in his speech, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng conveyed several things related to developments, innovations, and achievements by the ITS Vocational Faculty. This, according to the rector who is usually called Ashari, is considered necessary in supporting the establishment of the new faculty.
ITS, through the Vocational Faculty, has collaborated with all manufacturing companies to conduct research or make the latest innovations in various fields. It was also stated that ITS was supported by ten innovation research laboratories in the ITS Research Center (RC) Building and supported by five strategic study centers. “There are SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), regional and community empowerment, appropriate technology, and creative industries,” he said.
It is hoped that this ITS Professor of Electrical Engineering can be the basis for Prasetiya Mulya University to establish a vocational faculty. “We are ready to guide and become a reference in the success of the vocational faculty, which will positively impact the surrounding community,” he confirmed.
From the signing of this MoU, ITS also thanks Prasetiya Mulya University for choosing ITS as the first working partner in Indonesia, especially in this big project. Ashari hopes that in the future, the establishment of this vocational faculty can become a pioneer for other academics to continue to develop and expand education in the broader field. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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