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September 20, 2022 17:09

ITS Succeeds in Achieving The Best Universitiy at The 2022 PKM Award

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The coronation of ITS as the Best College in Cluster I in the 2022 PKM Award event

The coronation of ITS as the Best College in Cluster I in the 2022 PKM Award event

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to show proud achievements in various national and international events. This time, ITS won a university award for the Best Management Management category Nationally at the 2022 Student Creativity Program (PKM) Award.

As explained by ITS Director of Student Affairs Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT, this PKM is a popular student event because it is attended by thousands of students from various universities throughout Indonesia. To become the best university ITS uses the PKM success parameters from the previous year. Among other things, by focusing on the best PKM implementation indicators and the best universities in management, one of the lecturers also received an award as the Best Assistant Lecturer with five funded proposals and a student with the best report presentation.

Not surprisingly, ITS already has a good track record in the previous year’s PKM. This year, ITS received a quota of 400 proposals for eight fields, 50 for scientific articles, and 50 for Constructive Futuristic Ideas (GFK). “Being able to get the best university is prestigious because here we compete with other favorite universities,” said Imam.

Dr Imam Abadi ST MT (left) and Dr Dhany Arifianto ST MEng (right) after receiving the Best College Cluster I award and Best Companion Lecturer at the 2022 PKM Award

Dr Imam Abadi ST MT (left) and Dr Dhany Arifianto ST MEng (right) after receiving the Best College Cluster I award and Best Companion Lecturer at the 2022 PKM Award

In addition, he continued, ITS also ranked third for the most proposals that managed to qualify for funding with a total of 59 proposals. ITS can also fill all quotas in the fields provided by PKM. Not only that, but ITS is also compliant with PKM progress reporting. “This is what makes ITS chosen as the best PKM implementation,” he said proudly.

Imam said, the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) of ITS also made efforts that were not kidding in supporting its students. Ditmawa conducts systematic guidance starting from PKM socialization, workshops, and proposal writing clinics. The existence of a workshop enlightens students on the importance of PKM to train scientific skills and think intelligently. Clinical guidance on PKM proposal writing, as well as a forum to accommodate and motivate students to upload PKM proposals.

This ITS Physics Engineering lecturer also conveyed the flow in participating in the PKM event starting from the ITS internal stage. Before being involved in the national PKM, ITS held an institute-scale PKM league to gather student proposals. “Here we raise 1,400 ITS student proposals, then an assessment and guidance process is carried out until we find the winner for the best proposal,” he explained.

The success of ITS lecturer Dr Dhany Arifianto ST MEng as the winner of the Best Advisory Lecturer award at the 2022 PKM Award

The success of ITS lecturer Dr Dhany Arifianto ST MEng as the winner of the Best Advisory Lecturer award at the 2022 PKM Award

Meanwhile, the PKM event promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has been carried out offline. The reason is, the PKM which was held online due to this pandemic made the student team constrained in its implementation. “Offline implementation certainly makes it easier for students to conduct interviews, realize ideas, and conduct trials,” said Imam.

From the accomplishment of ITS, Imam invites students to continue the achievements of ITS in PKM. The achievements of the ITS PKM in 2022 also do not escape the contribution of all ITS components. “I would like to thank the PKM Task Force commander, supervisor and assistant lecturers, the Student Coordinator Team (TKK), and all units at ITS, both directly and indirectly involved,” he said.

Indeed, according to Imam, PKM supports students to practice expressing ideas through writing and realizing them with innovative works. An opportunity for students to take part in popular competitions and collaborate with teams. “Hopefully, ITS will continue to be the best in the PKM and Pimnas (National Student Scientific Week) arenas with more and more proposals being funded, passing Pimnas, and getting gold medals,” he said optimistically. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Silvita Pramadani

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