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September 21, 2022 19:09

Pelni Makes Collaboration with ITS to Develop Ship Safety Technology

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After the meeting for the 3-in-1 ship project cooperation with safety technology between ITS and PT Pelni which took place at the ITS Nasdec Building

After the meeting for the 3-in-1 ship project cooperation with safety technology between ITS and PT Pelni which took place at the ITS Nasdec Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has once again intensified collaboration with PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or Pelni and PT Bureau of Classification Indonesia (Persero) or BKI. This collaboration is carried out to develop innovation in technology and improve public services in sea transportation.

As a leading service company in sea-passenger transportation in Indonesia, Pelni continues to develop its products and services. This time, Pelni and BKI cooperated in ship design changes approval and new features added. Previously, ITS had collaborated in designing the PT Pelni passenger ship for the manufacture of a 3-in-1 ship.

ITS Vice Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD said, this collaboration involves many parties because it requires experts from multidisciplinary fields. Later, the person in charge of this work will be the ITS Maritime Innovation Cluster.

The cluster includes the Department of Marine Engineering, the Department of Marine Systems Engineering, and Marine Transportation Engineering. In addition, there are also the Automotive Innovation Cluster, the ICT and Robotics Innovation Cluster, and the Industrial Creative Innovation Cluster. “This innovation cluster is under the auspices of the ITS Science Techno Park (STP), which is currently under the management of the ITS Directorate of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST),” explained Bambang.

As a shipping company that has been around since 1952, PT Pelni certainly wants to maximize revenue. For this reason, Pelni cooperates with ITS in carrying out a strategy by changing the design of ships that can not only carry passengers. Ships changing to larger capacities will later be able to transport vehicles and containers. From a logistical point of view, this change will be precious in reducing the cost of transporting goods.

Moving on from these problems, according to Bambang, ITS wants to establish connectivity between industry and educational institutions. Currently, the industry needs universities to develop, and vice versa. “This opportunity to work together allows us to synergize and work together to develop technology and innovative products,” explained the ITS alumnus.

Presentation of the 3-in-1 ship modification program for ongoing cooperation between ITS and PT Pelni in the future

Presentation of the 3-in-1 ship modification program for ongoing cooperation between ITS and PT Pelni in the future

It will take approximately two years to complete the design changes to these two Pelni ships later. In addition, there are new ship features, including safety equipment and deck equipment. One of them is a remotely operated lifebuoy to control the rescue of fallen passengers from a distance. Also presented is i-Stow, an application for managing shiploads.

It is a matter of pride for ITS that researchers and innovators at ITS can be directly involved in developing technology for the nation. ITS itself continues to strive so that the research developed is increasingly felt by the community. In addition, the research result can be a solution to problems that exist in industry and society. “Of course, this can not be done alone, but in collaboration with the business world and the industrial world,” said the lecturer of the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department.

Bambang said this success will obviously increase the confidence of the industry and the public in the ability of ITS. The man who was born in Jogjakarta hopes that the team involved in this work can carry out what has been entrusted by the partner. In addition, this collaboration will increase the visibility of ITS in the national and international arena in the realization of Advancing Humanity.

According to Bambang, the more innovative products that can be downstream, the greater the benefits of ITS will be. “This can inspire the spirit of ITS researchers and innovators to further drive the wheels of innovation at ITS,” he said optimistically. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Silvita Pramadani

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