ITS News

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September 25, 2022 20:09

Alvin Christy Lemuel, The Best Bachelor Graduate With GPA of 3.96

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : -
Alvin Christy Lemuel saat prosesi penyerahan ijazah oleh Rektor ITS

Alvin Christy Lemuel during the procession of delivering a bachelor degree by the Rector of ITS

ITS Campus News – Alvin Christy Lemuel, a Product Design student of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), was named the best bachelor graduate at the 126th ITS Graduation, with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.96, on Sunday (25/9).

Alvin managed to finish college in four years. “This is very surprising. I never thought I would graduate as the best bachelor graduate,” he said proudly.

Cultivating passion and carrying out all of his responsibilities as a student wholeheartedly are the keys to success for Alvin in completing his studies. “Never considering the twists and turns of lectures as a burden is my way of enjoying college,” he said.

In addition to trying their best in every assignment, the lecture environment at ITS is also very supportive. Alvin admits that supportive friends and cooperative lecturers surround him.

However, not infrequently, Alvin goes through difficult times. He has experienced criticism and rejection from supporting lecturers due to his poor assignments. But he did not give up and continued to learn to correct mistakes. “Never be afraid to ask friends or lecturers when you have difficulties. Have to look for many references and dig up information from various sources to achieve a better final result. Think of lecturers or friends as our clients in the world of work who will provide criticism and suggestions on our work,” he said.

Alvin mempresentasikan hasil tugas akhirnya di depan dosen Departemen Desain Produk ITS

Alvin presented the results of his final project in front of the ITS Product Design Department lecturer

Apart from academics, Alvin is also active in organizations. Alvin once served as Chairman of the ITS Christian Student Association (PMK). According to him, being organized helped him to gain experience working in a team and expanding his relationships. “Take activities that do not exceed each other’s capacity to live it to the fullest,” he added.

Furthermore, Alvin said that all the experiences, both academic and non-academic, that he got while being an ITS student helped him in getting the title of best bachelor graduate, and also in the world of work. Alvin, who now works as a jewelry designer, admitted that he was very grateful that what he lived as a student could support his current career. “ITS trained me to be a worker with a systematic flow of thinking and able to decide problem-solving efficiently,” explained the man born in 2000.

The ITS alumnus, who won 17 competitions during his high school years, advised students who are still struggling as students to continue to move forward and complete their responsibilities without feeling forced and lazy. “Learn to enjoy your choices. You will get the best results, and never forget to pray and be grateful,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

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