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Wednesday, December 25, 2024
December 25, 2022 13:12

ITS Wins The First Ranks as The Best Work Unit in State Budget Implementation

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source : -
Piagam penghargaan yang diberikan kepada ITS sebagai Satuan Kerja Terbaik dalam Pelaksanaan Anggaran Triwulan III tahun 2022

A charter given to ITS as The Best Work Unit in The Implementation of Quarter III Budget 2022

ITS Campus News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) won the first place as The Best Work Unit (Satker) for the achievement of Quarter III Budget 2022 Implementation Performance Indicator. This Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) received the award in the ceiling category above IDR 100 to 500 billion.

The Vice Rector II for Planning, Finance, and Infrastructure ITS, Ir. Mas Agus Mardyanto ME PhD, explained that this award was given by the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) Surabaya I for the performance results of implementing the ITS State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Some of the budgets included in this matter include financing wages for educational staff (tendik), research funding, and professor allowances.

Kepala Bagian Perbendaharaan ITS Agung Budiono SH MKn (kiri) beserta para penerima penghargaan lainnya dan perwakilan dari KPPN Surabaya 1 (kanan)

The Head of Treasury Section of ITS, Agung Budiono SH MKn (left), along with other awardees and representatives from KPPN Surabaya 1 (right)

The man who is familiarly called MAM continued, several indicators that were used as evaluations included the Revision of the Budget Implementation Entry List (DIPA), DIPA deviation, Contract Data, Management of Supply Money (UP) and Additional Supply Money (TUP), Dispensation of Payment Orders ( SPM) and output achievements. “Several things are seen based on aspects of planning, implementation, and absorption of the State Budget aimed at ITS,” MAM explained

Besides, the lecturer of Environmental Engineering Department ITS also explained that this achievement itself is the result of prioritizing services at ITS. This is done to ensure that each child gets their rights accordingly. “One of them, we always monitor changes in the rank of educational staff to ensure that every person gets the right portion,” he said.

Wakil Rektor II Bidang Perencanaan, Keuangan, dan Sarana Prasarana ITS Ir Mas Agus Mardyanto ME PhD

The Vice Rector II for Planning, Finance, and Infrastructure ITS, Ir. Mas Agus Mardyanto ME PhD

This doctoral graduate from The University of Ottawa, Canada, revealed that myITS application is also a system that facilitates the budget management process. Through this digital integration, data collection and payment processes can be carried out more efficiently and precisely. “Using this application can ensure the accuracy of payments because money will be sent directly to each account, thereby reducing negligence in transactions,” he added.

Conducted every three months, according to MAM, this achievement from KPPN Surabaya I is the result of the management of the state budget of around IDR 160 billion disbursed to ITS. Mam is committed to continuing to guarantee the implementation of budget management both in the State Budget and ITS own funds. “ITS Finance Bureau and all parties involved in this field will continue to strive to maintain and improve their performance to provide the best service,” he ensured. (ITS PR)

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