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December 31, 2022 01:12

ITS Wins 10 Plus Two Diktiristek Award 2022

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (tiga dari kanan) saat menerima Anugerah Prioritas Nasional

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (second from the right) when receiving the National Priority Award

Jakarta, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) managed to win 10 awards and two awards for ITS partners in the 2022 Diktiristek Award event organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Diktiristek), Thursday (12/15) evening, at The Sultan Hotel & Residence, Jakarta.

The awards won by ITS are the National Priority Award for the Best Higher Education Category with Innovation to Support Indonesia’s Green Economy (Red and White Electric Bus), the National Priority Award for the Best Higher Education Category with Innovation in the Field of Red and White Tablet Technology Devices, the Learning and Student Affairs Award for PTN Category with the Theme Best Tracer Study Reporting, Institutional Award for the Higher Education Category with the Management of the Best Foreign Student Study Permit, and silver winner for the Public Relations Award for the PTN-BH Category, Integrated Service Unit Sub Category.

Another award won by ITS is the Learning and Student Award for the Best Higher Education Category at the Indonesia Expo Student Entrepreneurship Program in 2022, bronze winner Institutional Award for Higher Education Category with the Best KNB Scholarship Management, bronze winner Public Relations Award for PTN-BH Category Sub Category Pages, bronze winner Award for Diktiristek Cooperation Award for the Best International Cooperation PTN-BH Category, as well as a bronze winner for the Best IKU 6 Growth PTN-BH Category.

Penghargaan Anugerah Diktiristek 2022 yang berhasil diterima oleh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

The 2022 Diktiristek Award which was successfully received by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

In addition, ITS partners, namely PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana and PT Industri Kereta Api, also received the National Priority Award. Each as Partners with innovations in the field of Tablet Merah Putih technology devices, and Partners with innovations in the field of the best electric vehicles to support Indonesia’s green economy (Red and White Electric Buses)

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng said he was very proud of this ITS achievement. “Alhamdulillah, ITS received many awards tonight. Congratulations to ITS, to all of us,” he said.

According to him, the various award categories obtained by ITS are public recognition of ITS’ extraordinary achievements. “This is the result of the work of the entire ITS extended family, both lecturers, students, and partners. So we get this recognition,” he said.

This is also a momentum for self-evaluation, so that you can find out the current position of ITS, and improve the sides whose potential can be increased. “Hopefully next year our achievements can increase,” he concluded optimistically.

Plt Director General of Diktiristek Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD IPU ASEAN Eng said, this award is the appreciation of the Directorate General of Diktiristek to stakeholders from universities, LLDIKTI, journalists, media, and partners who have achieved the highest achievements and contributed to supporting the implementation of the transformation of higher education. According to Nizam, the Directorate General of Higher Education continues to cooperate and cooperate with various parties in transforming higher education in preparing superior, adaptive, creative, innovative and noble human resources.

Plt Dirjen Diktiristek Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD IPU Asean Eng saat menyampaikan sambutan acara

Plt Director General of Diktiristek Prof. Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD IPU ASEAN Eng while delivering his remarks at the event

The Diktiristek Award began with the implementation of a public relations award, a journalist and media award which was initially held in 2017. Then since 2021, it has been followed by the addition of cooperation awards.

This year, there are additional awards, namely higher education database awards, learning and student awards, resources awards, institutional awards, technology research and community service awards as well as awards for national priorities and partner awards for program support. (ITS Public Relations)

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