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March 13, 2023 15:03

Sekawan Berpijar, Motion Comic Anti-Cyberbullying by ITS Students

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The thumbnail of the motion comic Sekawan Berpijar by Zahra Fithriyah Muna, DKV ITS student, which raises the topic of anti-cyberbullying actions using the Pancasila Student Profile approach

ITS Campus, ITS News – Cyberbullying or cyberbullying is increasingly becoming a scary scourge behind the current glitter of social media. In response, students from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated a motion comic titled Sekawan Berpijar to raise anti-cyberbullying awareness among internet surfers.

This is Zahra Fithriyah Muna, the figure behind this brilliant idea. According to him, this case study began when Microsoft’s Digital Civility Index (DCI) stated that Indonesia was ranked 29th out of 32 countries with politeness in using the internet in 2020. “There were also reports that cyberbullying was a widespread thing to do, he explained.

Furthermore, the study he conducted found that most internet users are teenagers aged 15-19 years. Therefore, we need an appropriate solution to increase awareness among internet users. “I did this using a motion comic as the intermediary,” said this Visual Communication Design (DKV) student.

In this motion comic by a girl from Surabaya, through the character Palapa’s gang, which consists of four students, their mission is to solve cyberbullying problems experienced by their classmates. Designed in such a way by Zahra, the Palapa gang completed its mission with various implementations of the six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile.

Illustration of applying the six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile carried out by the Palapa gang to overcome cyberbullying in the motion comic by Zahra Fithriyah Muna

The first dimension is Global Diversity. The Palapa gang implemented this by bringing together four students from various backgrounds, religions, ethnicity, and race. In solving problems, Palapa’s team also works together and discusses finding a way out. This action shows the implementation of the second dimension of the Pancasila Student Profile, namely Gotong Royong.

Moving on to the third dimension, namely Creative, Zahra described the Palapa gang as jointly creating a Palapa robot to detect actions that reflect the six measurements of the Pancasila Student Profile. The fourth dimension, Critical Reasoning, is depicted with problem-solving by the Palapa gang. Her efforts were carried out by bringing the perpetrator to the victim to apologize.

The act of apologizing by the perpetrator and removing various malicious comments against the victim is clear evidence of the fifth dimension, namely Mandiri because it is done by being responsible for what has been done. Then the last measurement, namely Faith, Fear of God Almighty, and Noble Morals. This is illustrated through praying together by the Palapa gang and the two friends to avoid evil actions, such as cyberbullying.

With such a narrative line, the Surabaya-born student explained that many interviews, consultations, and experimental studies were conducted to complete this work. They start from the East Java Provincial Education Office, psychologists, high school teachers, students, and comics and animation experts. He also guided ITS DKV lecturer Rabendra Yudistira Alamin ST MDs to get the right direction for her Final Project (TA).

Zahra Fithriyah Muna and her motion comic that brought her a bachelor’s degree in 3.5 years

Zahra’s idea was not only to break the chain of cyberbullying. Her brilliant work also promotes the Pancasila Student Profile program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). “By applying the values of Pancasila, the characters in this motion comic can solve their problems properly,” said the girl wearing the hijab.

Determined to be able to finish her 3.5-year undergraduate degree with her twin sister, Zahra mentioned that time management was one of the difficulties she experienced. However, that did not discourage him from being able to give her best work in her final year at ITS. “With this motion comic Sekawan Berpijar, I hope that the younger generation of Indonesia can apply the dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile as anti-cyberbullying,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Nabila Hisanah Yusri

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