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March 01, 2023 18:03

ITS Students Raise Food Waste Issues Through Motion Comics

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The face of the motion comic Tapak Sena by Zahirah Salma Nuha from the Department of DKV ITS which raises the issue of food waste and how to prevent it that can be done independently

ITS Campus, ITS News – Indonesia is ranked second as a food waste producing country in the world. Voicing this problem, Zahirah Salma Nuha, a student of the Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), created a motion comic to raise awareness about the dangers of this problem.

Zahirah explained, the issues surrounding food waste were discussed in Law Number 18 of 2008 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through his studies, children are one of the actors who contribute to the percentage of food waste in Indonesia. “In this circle (children, red), most of the food waste produced is in the form of rice that doesn’t run out,” he added.

Tapak Sena is the title of a work created by Zahirah in the form of a motion comic with the aim of increasing understanding of the dangers of food waste and how to prevent it. Supervised by ITS DKV lecturer Rabendra Yudistira Alamin ST MDs, this work is also a Final Assignment (TA) which has helped Zahirah complete her undergraduate studies at ITS.

The motion comic Tapak Sena also succeeded in bringing DKV ITS student Zahirah Salma Nuha to graduate in 3.5 years of college

The motion comic itself was designed by Zahirah to instill awareness in children to respect food and protect the environment. Some of the included plots also adjust the habits of children aged 9 to 12 years who are the targets of this work.

“The metaverse technology that connects the story is used because children in this age range are already familiar with the latest technology,” said the student who will be graduating on March 18.

In its creation, Zahirah also conducted experimental studies and interviews with several parties who have been working on this issue for a long time. Among them are the Garda Pangan organization, child psychologists, and a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Engineering ITS IDAA Warmadewanthi ST MT PhD.

“This is done so that the discussion about food waste can be precisely targeted at the target audience,” he said.

The motion comic that was worked on for three months also took into account the artistic aspects of its production. For this reason, the style of depiction of characters and atmosphere is one of the main considerations that are carried out.

“Determination of the image was also consulted with figures who had been involved in the world of comics and animation for a long time to add perspective in making it,” said the student who was born in the City of Heroes.

The making of this motion comic also displays tips that can be done by the community, especially by children, to prevent food waste

In addition, Zahirah also pays attention to the aspect of storytelling in this work. For this reason, the basic technique of making story telling is also applied to build the reader’s intention when watching this motion comic. “Writing the plot is also given full attention so that children don’t feel bored when reading it,” said the girl who has twins in the same department at ITS.

The student who has been in the arts for a long time hopes that the message in the comic he has made can touch children in Indonesia and generate positive benefits for his readers. Apart from that, Zahirah also expressed her desire to continue the story of Tapak Sena that she made. “It is our hope that Tapak Sena will continue and provide education through the next episodes,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono

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