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September 27, 2023 12:09

ITS Professor Reveals Strategy in Sustainable Fish Resource Management

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Prof Dr Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi Ketika menyampaikan orasi ilmiahnya yang berjudul _Peran Penting Pemahaman Biologi Ikan dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Ikan yang Berkelanjutan_ pada sidang Pengukuhan Profesor ITS, Rabu (20/9) lalu

Prof Dr Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi When delivering her scientific oration entitled The Important Role of Understanding Fish Biology in Sustainable Management of Fish Resources at the Inauguration Session of ITS Professors

ITS Campus, ITS News — Indonesia now holds the title as the country with the second highest level of fish diversity in the world. Unfortunately, this potential has not yet received special attention. Based on this, ITS Professor, Prof Dr Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi shared her strategy for fish management and its use in sustainable management patterns.

The Head of the Biology Department of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) said that based on the UN Environment Program report, Indonesia’s aquatic ecosystem is experiencing various environmental problems. Seeing these conditions, Dewi developed research on the physiological and ecotoxicological conditions of fish as indicators of water pollution (biomonitoring).

ITS’s 166th professor uses qualitative and quantitative analysis related to research in the form of biological responses from fish. In general, fish that are exposed to pollutants from their environment will experience damage to their organ structures. “The damage can be seen in the microanatomical appearance of the fish’s gills and scales,” she said further.

Hasil pengamatan mikroskopis kepadatan kromatofor pada sisik ikan yang mengalami ketidakteraturan bentuk setelah terpapar pencemaran polutan yang ada di perairan

Results of microscopic observations of chromatophore density on fish scales that experience irregular shape after being exposed to pollutants in the waters

The gills and scales of fish that are exposed to pollutants will experience deformation or change in shape, which can be seen from the irregularity of the shape and the increase in microscopic holes on the surface of the fish scales. “This is caused by a decrease in the density of chromatophores on fish scales due to the massive concentration of existing pollutants,” she continued.

In this context, the use of fish for biomonitoring cannot only be assessed through changes in the microanatomic structure of the gills that arise due to pollution. However, it is also an important indicator in monitoring the impact of pollution on the aquatic environment.

Pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan dalam peran biomonitoring kesehatan lingkungan perairan

Utilization of fish resources in the role of biomonitoring of aquatic environmental health

Dewi, who specializes in animal physiology and ecotoxicology, explained that the gills of fish exposed to pollutants will experience abnormal histology symptoms. This can be seen from the lamellae on the gills experiencing fusion, which in turn can interfere with the process of taking dissolved oxygen in the water.

According to research conducted, these changes can be an important clue in monitoring the impact of pollution on the aquatic environment. The use of fish as a biomonitoring indicator is becoming increasingly relevant for understanding the quality of the aquatic environment and potential risks to aquatic ecosystems.

Pemberian sertifikat pengukuhan profesor oleh Ketua Dewan Profesor ITS Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT (kiri) kepada Prof Dr Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi yang ditetapkan sebagai profesor ke-166 ITS

Giving the professor’s inauguration certificate by the Chair of the ITS Professorial Council, Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT (left) to Prof Dr Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi who was appointed as ITS’s 166th professor

Not only is it useful as a marker of quality in the environment. The use of fish analysis can also be applied to potential new biomaterials. Dewi’s research results also show that one of the fish skins, namely catfish, has a high collagen content. “This is an opportunity to develop the use of halal gelatin in the medicine and food industry,” she explained.

Based on the results of her research, the recipient of the Satyalancana Karya Satya award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019 hopes that all people will have the awareness to help develop the potential of Indonesia’s natural wealth. “Development of potential accompanied by understanding will have an impact on the nation’s independence and people’s welfare,” she concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma

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