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November 07, 2023 18:11

First in Indonesia, Two Russian Universities Open Offices at ITS

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(dari kiri) Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD, Direktur Kerja Sama dan Pengelolaan Usaha ITS Tri Joko Wahyu Adi ST MT PhD, Vice Chancellor HSE University in Saint Petersburg Dr Anna Tyshetskaya, dan Direktur Russian House Victoria Vicman usai menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama mengenai pertukaran mahasiswa

(from left) ITS Deputy Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D., ITS Director of Cooperation and Business Management Tri Joko Wahyu Adi ST MT Ph.D., Vice Chancellor HSE University in Saint Petersburg Dr. Anna Tyshetskaya, and Director of Russian House Victoria Vicman after signing the agreement cooperation regarding student exchange

ITS Campus, ITS News – Tomsk State University (TSU) and HSE University from Russia officially opened their representative offices on the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) campus, on Tuesday (7/11). This step is a stimulant to further strengthen synergy and cooperation between ITS and well-known campuses in Russia.

TSU Deputy Chancellor for International Affairs, Prof. Artyom Rykun, revealed that Tomsk State University’s collaboration with ITS itself has been established since 2014 and has given a very good impression. The opening of this representative office at ITS is a starting point to further introduce and help students in Indonesia, especially at ITS, who want to continue their studies in Russia.

Apart from TSU, the office located in the ITS Global Kampong Building also represents a consortium of other universities and scientific organizations in the city of Tomsk, Russia. Namely Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tusur University, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, and Tomsk State Pedagogical University. “This consortium representative office is the first in the world,” he explained.

Wakil Rektor Bidang Internasional TSU Prof Artyom Rykun ketika memperkenalkan profil dari Tomsk State University yang telah menjalin kerja sama dengan ITS sejak tahun 2014

TSU Deputy Chancellor for International Affairs Prof. Artyom Rykun when introducing the profile of Tomsk State University which has collaborated with ITS since 2014

In line with this, the Head of the International HSE University Office in Saint Petersburg Maria Kishleva explained that the opening of this first representative office in Indonesia also marked the first collaboration with ITS. This is based on the openness of ITS and the high learning atmosphere at the Pahlawan Campus. “HSE University lecturers got the impression that ITS students’ interest in learning was very high when giving guest lectures,” he added.

According to Maria, the HSE University representative office at ITS itself is a representative office for four branches of the HSE University campus spread across several cities in Russia. These include the cities of Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Perm, and Nizhny Novgorod.

Later, continued Maria, this office will be open for all kinds of consultations for students and lecturers regarding things that need to be prepared to continue their studies at HSE University. Such as the availability of opportunities for scholarships, summer schools, student exchanges, master’s studies, and daily needs that must be taken into account. “This is due to the drastic differences in seasons in Russia, so it requires quite a lot of preparation,” he said.

Peresmian kantor representatif dari dua universitas Rusia di kampus ITS yang merupakan kali pertama di Indonesia

Inauguration of representative offices from two Russian universities on the ITS campus, which is the first in Indonesia

Meanwhile, ITS Deputy Chancellor IV for Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD said that apart from the inauguration of the representative office, the signing of a cooperation agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) had also been carried out. This agreement will provide student exchanges between the two parties. “Both from HSE University and Tomsk University to ITS and vice versa,” he added.

Looking to the future, Bambang hopes that this agreement can be a starting point for other collaborations between university consortiums and scientific organizations at Tomsk State University and HSE University. “There is great hope that this collaboration can spread to other fields, such as research and collaborative research between the two parties,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono

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