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December 12, 2023 18:12

MF Kedaireka ITS x PT Pelindo TPK Wins Six Awards in Taiwan

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
MF Kedaireka ITS Team x PT Pelindo TPK saat menjelaskan inovasi K3I.verse kepada dewan juri yang berkunjung ke booth K3I.verse ITS

MF Kedaireka ITS Team x PT Pelindo TPK when explaining the K3I.verse innovation to the jury who visited the ITS K3I.verse booth

ITS Campus, ITS News – Continuing to actively innovate, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has once again achieved brilliant achievements in international competitions. This time, the ITS Kedaireka Matching Fund (MF) x PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (TPK) collaboration succeeded in bringing home six awards from the 2023 Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Expo (KIDE) in Taiwan.

Chairman of MF Kedaireka ITS x PT Pelindo TPK Dr Adithya Sudiarno IDipNEBOSH GradIOSH explained that MF Kedaireka itself is a program from the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). “In this program, universities collaborate with the Business and Industrial World (DUDI) to solve problems faced by DUDI partners,” explained the ITS Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering (DTSI) lecturer.

Pengunjung booth ITS saat sedang mencoba menggunakan inovasi K3I.verse

Visitors of the ITS booth trying to use K3I.verse innovation

In this program, ITS collaborates with PT Pelindo TPK to create technology that can support training for employees at the company to recognize potential dangers in their surroundings. There are seven ITS lecturers and 12 ITS DTSI students who joined as researchers in developing this technology. The results of this collaboration were brought by the ITS and PT Pelindo TPK teams to compete in KIDE 2023 which was held for three days, starting last November 30.

The lecturer, who is usually called Adith, revealed that at KIDE 2023, MF Kedaireka ITS x PT Pelindo TPK brought two innovations to compete with 398 other innovative works from 30 different countries. “The two innovations are K3I.verse which competes in the Educational Item category and Bandar Safety which competes in the Information Communication Technology and Media category,” said the lecturer at the DTSI ITS Ergonomics and Work Systems Design (EPSK) Laboratory.

Tampilan website dari inovasi Bandar Safety yang memuat berbagai alat untuk mengendalikan risiko di lingkungan kerja

Website display of Bandar Safety innovation which contains various tools to control risks in the work environment

Explaining each innovation, Adith explained, K3I.verse is a metaverse-based hazard identification technology that can be used as a training medium for PT Pelindo TPK employees. This innovation won three awards at KIDE 2023, namely the Platinum Award from the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA), the Gold Medal from the President of the International Jury of KIDE 2023, and the Special Award from ALROSA (a company from Russia).

Meanwhile, Bandar Safety is an application product in the form of a website ecosystem that contains various tools to control risks in the work environment. Just like K3I.verse, this innovation also won three awards at KIDE 2023. The three awards are the Silver Medal from WIIPA, the Special Award from the Korea University Invention Association (South Korea), and the Special Award from the Highly Innovative Unique Foundation (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

MF Kedaireka ITS Team x PT Pelindo TPK dengan enam penghargaan yang telah diraihnya di depan Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan

MF Kedaireka ITS Team x PT Pelindo TPK with the six awards they have won in front of the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan

In this case, Adith hopes that in the future this innovation can continue to develop and have an impact on society. Apart from that, he also acknowledged that many parties worked together behind this achievement. Therefore, Adith expressed his appreciation to all parties involved, including the Ministry of Education and Culture; PT Pelindo TPK; ITS Directorate of Innovation, Cooperation and Science Technology (DIKST); ITS DTSI; ITS EPSK Laboratory; East Java Province Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Council, and Bramunastya ITS Team. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Muhammad Fadhil Alfaruqi

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