ITS News

Sunday, September 01, 2024
July 29, 2024 20:07

PSB ITS Encourages New Students to Actively Explore

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Gambar Rektor ITS Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD saat menyampaikan sambutannya di hari pertama pelaksanaan PSB ITS 2024 di Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

ITS Rector Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD delivers his speech on the first day of the ITS 2024 PSB at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS.

ITS Campus, ITS News  The 2024 Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) series at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has officially begun. The series of agendas that must be followed by all new ITS 2024 students begins with Spiritual and Nationality Training (PSB) activities which will last for the next seven days, starting Monday (29/7).

ITS Rector Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD said that this PSB is a very valuable moment for ITS freshmen. This agenda is the first day for ITS 2024 freshmen to officially undergo studying activities at this hero campus for the next few years.

Gambar Para mahasiswa baru peserta PSB ITS 2024 saat melantangkan vivat ITS di Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

New students participating in PSB ITS 2024 chanting ITS vivat at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS.

Bambang also reminded that behind the selection of these ITS 2024 students, there were many applicants who failed to fulfil their dreams of studying at ITS. At least more than 10 applicants are fighting for one seat at ITS. “Therefore, you who are the chosen ones here must make the most of this extraordinary opportunity,” he reminded.

He emphasised that there are many things that can be tried during the lecture period in addition to academic matters. According to him, students must also actively seek various experiences outside of classroom learning such as organising, participating in competitions, being active in student activity units (UKM), or others. “There you can improve your soft skills, one of which is communication skills,” he said.

Gambar Para mahasiswa baru terlihat menyimak mengikuti pelaksanaan PSB ITS 2024 di Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

New students are seen listening to the implementation of PSB ITS 2024 at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS.

Furthermore, Bambang revealed that ITS is committed to giving its students the opportunity to develop as widely as possible, both in the academic and non-academic fields. “The goal is that ITS graduates will not only excel in academics, but also non-academics,” added the Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer.

Meanwhile, PSB ITS 2024 Chief Executive Imam Safawi Ahmad SSi MSi said that this agenda was attended by 6,361 ITS 2024 freshmen. The material presented was Nationalism and Nationalism, Psychology, ITS Budi Pekerti Character, Spiritual, and Emotional and Intellectual Intelligence. Later, the implementation of PSB ITS itself will be held in several places on the ITS campus, namely Graha Sepuluh November, Robotics Centre Building, Manarul Ilmi Mosque, Postgraduate Building, Menara Sains (Tower 1), and Theatre A.

Gambar Para pimpinan ITS bersama para mahasiswa baru ITS 2024 saat melantangkan vivat ITS bersama-sama di sela kegiatan Pelatihan Spiritual dan Kebangsaan (PSB) 2024

ITS leaders and ITS 2024 new students chanting ITS vivat together during the Spiritual and Nationality Training (PSB) 2024 event.

The lecturer who is familiarly called Isa explained that the material presented would be very important for students later. The goal is for students to be able to have awareness as children of the nation who have a nationalist spirit and are able to emulate the attitude of the 10 November fighters. “So that students are ready to contribute according to their respective fields,” he said optimistically. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Muhammad Fadhil Alfaruqi

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