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August 13, 2024 18:08

ITS Doctor Proposes Solutions to Improve Power Plant Efficiency in Indonesia

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Dr Hariana saat memaparkan hasil disertasinya pada Sidang Terbuka Promosi Doktor di Departemen Teknik Mesin ITS

Dr Hariana presenting the results of his dissertation at the Open Doctoral Promotion Session at the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department

ITS Campus, ITS News Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has once again celebrated the achievement of an exceptional doctoral graduate from its Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Program. Dr. Hariana has officially earned his doctoral degree after successfully presenting an innovative solution to address slagging and fouling issues in pulverizer-type boilers during her Doctoral Promotion Open Session on Monday, August 12.

In his dissertation defense, Hariana focused on the problems of slagging and fouling, which frequently occur in coal and biomass-fired Steam Power Plant (PLTU) boilers. Slagging and fouling refer to the buildup of ash deposits on the radiation and convection areas of boilers. “This condition can reduce combustion efficiency and may even cause damage to the boiler, such as leaks in the heater,” explained the researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

Addressing these issues, Hariana’s dissertation, titled Implementation of Mineral-Based Additives (Aluminum and MgO Base) to Solve Slagging-Fouling in Co-Firing Palm Waste in Pulverizer Type Boilers, aims to provide an effective solution for reducing slagging and fouling. The research involved analyzing the effect of adding mineral-based additives using the primary test method of Drop Tube Furnace (DTF).

Using the DTF test method, the research systematically evaluated the effectiveness of 17 different mineral-based additives in improving combustion performance and reducing slagging and fouling in a coal-palm waste mixture. The results showed that aluminum-based additives had the most optimal impact on minimizing slagging and fouling.

Overall, by mixing 25% palm waste in the form of empty fruit bunches and fronds with 75% coal, and adding 1% alumina, alumina silicate, and magnesium oxide-based additives, the research successfully reduced slagging and fouling. “This study has successfully identified the most effective additive mix for various types of coal,” said the Malang-born researcher.

Skema metode uji utama Drop Tube Furnace (DTF) yang digunakan dalam penelitian disertasi Dr Hariana untuk menguji keefektifan tambahan aditif berbasis mineral

Skema metode uji utama Drop Tube Furnace (DTF) yang digunakan dalam penelitian disertasi Dr Hariana untuk menguji keefektifan tambahan aditif berbasis mineral

The success of ITS’s latest doctoral innovation has been widely implemented in several coal and biomass-fired PLTU boilers across Indonesia. These include PT Paiton Operation and Maintenance Indonesia, PT Anindhiya Wiraputra Konsult, PT Pupuk Kaltim, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

Under the guidance of ITS Mechanical Engineering Department Professor Dr. Prabowo, MEng, IPU, AEng, as the main advisor, and BRIN researcher Dr. Edi Hilmawan, MEng, as the co-advisor, Hariana, the 32nd doctoral graduate from the ITS Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Program, has demonstrated not only innovative contributions but also remarkable academic achievements.

During his three-year doctoral study, which began in 2021, Hariana successfully published a total of 39 journals. Among them, 16 were highly reputable international journals, several of which were directly related to his dissertation. Of the 16 journals, eight of his main publications were indexed in Quartile 1 (Q1) and Quartile 2 (Q2), indicating the high quality of his research.

Hariana’s innovation and achievements have made a significant contribution to Indonesia’s energy industry. With the discovery of solutions to the slagging and fouling problems, it is hoped that the efficiency of coal and biomass-fired PLTUs can be improved. “This research is expected to pave the way for the development of more efficient and cleaner combustion technology,” concluded Hariana. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Syahidan Nur Habibie Ash-Shidieq

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