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July 23, 2024 03:07

Back-to-Back, ITS Anargya Team Reaches Formula Bharat Pi-EV 1st Place

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Purwarupa mobil listrik Tim Anargya ITS yang berhasil meraih juara 1 pada kompetisi Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024

Anargya ITS Team’s prototype electric car that won 1st place in the Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024 competition

ITS Campus, ITS News — Again showing its best potential, the Anargya Team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) won the first title at the Pi-EV 2024Formula Bharat › fsev. The results of the race held online from India were announced on Sunday (21/7), and ensured the Anargya ITS Team won the first Overall Event title as well as the Back-to-Back title after occupying the first position in two of the three race categories.

Formula Bharat Pi-EV is an annual international competition that pits each participating team in designing the concept and design of a student formula electric car, especially in the vehicle’s main drive system or powertrain. There are three categories of competition in the competition, namely Procurement Strategy, Team Management Strategy, and Engineering Design.

Anargya ITS Team Coordinator in Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024 Aghnia Tias Salsabila said that her team won first place in the Team Management Strategy and Engineering Design categories, and third place in the Procurement Strategy category. These results were enough to bring the proud ITS electric car team which was founded in 2018 to become the first winner in the Overall Event.

Tim Anargya ITS yang berhasil menjuarai kompetisi Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024

Anargya ITS team that won the Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024 competition

Furthermore, the student who is familiarly called Salsa explained that the Procurement Energy category assesses the team’s way of procuring powertrain manufacturing, starting from the manufacturing timeline, risk management, to cost management. While the Team Management category assesses resource management in powertrain procurement. “While Engineering Design assesses the concept of powertrain engineering design from each team,” she added.

Salsa revealed that in the competition whose series began from May to July, the Anargya ITS Team needed to go through several series of competitions starting from collecting files for each category. The file contains an explanation of the team’s innovation in each category with an appendix. “After that, we (Anargya ITS Team) need to do presentations and questions and answers every week in June,” said the ITS Mathematics Department student.

Tim Anargya ITS menjadi juara pertama Team Management Strategy, Engineering Design Event, dan Overall Event pada Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024

Team Anargya ITS won first place in Team Management Strategy, Engineering Design Event, and Overall Event in Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024.

Despite having won the first title in the previous year, the Anargya ITS Team still made various innovations to the powertrain concept of its car in this year’s competition. The innovation departs from the evaluation of the last edition which was developed using the basis of literature studies and alignment with the current conditions of the Anargya ITS Team. “We have developed many innovations, one of which is the safety system of the powertrain,” added Salsa.

Updates to the safety system of the powertrain include design updates to the precharge discharge overload circuit board which aims to optimize system performance during precharge and discharge. In addition, the Anargya ITS Team made improvements to the fan and intake tube in the cooling system so that the powertrain temperature can remain stable. “We also innovated using a motor controller with a light mass,” he explained.

Tim Anargya ITS ketika mempresentasikan inovasi timnya secara daring pada kompetisi Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024

Anargya ITS team presenting its team innovation online at the Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024 competition.

According to Salsa, the success of the Anargya ITS Team in the Formula Bharat Pi-EV 2024 competition is based on the team’s belief in the potential of each member. Not only that, the key to the success of the team guided by Alief Wikarta ST MScEng PhD lies in the way the team can maximize the foundation they have had in previous competitions.

The victory was interpreted by the student from Malang as proof that the Anargya ITS Team has potential in the student electric formula car competition. Salsa hopes that in future competitions, especially Formula Society Automotive Engineer (FSAE), the Anargya ITS Team can again get maximum results. (ITS Public Relstions)


Reporter: Mohammad Febryan Khamim

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