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ITS Instills Humanity Through Semester Opening Lecture with Dahlan Iskan

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Mantan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) periode 2011 – 2014 Prof Dr (HC) Dahlan Iskan saat mencerirakan pengalamannya sebagai Direktur Utama PT PLN pada kuliah pembuka di kampus SIMT ITS

Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) for the period 2011 – 2014 Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan when sharing his experience as President Director of PT PLN at the opening lecture on the SIMT ITS campus.

ITS Campus, ITS News — As a series of Information and Introduction activities of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (IPITS), the ITS Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) held a Semester Opening Lecture. Held at the ITS Tjokroaminoto Campus, the opening lecture which presented Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan was entitled Maintaining Human Values in the Midst of Technological Progress, Saturday (24/8).

Explaining human values, the former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) from 2011 to 2014 started his presentation by recounting his previous experience as President Director of PT Pembangkit Listrik Negara (PLN). When he was appointed as the number one person in PLN, Dahlan immediately organized the directors under him to form a strong team.

Furthermore, Dahlan said that he set high criteria, namely a commitment not to touch corruption in the process of arranging the board of directors. According to him, this commitment is one of the important human values in an institution. “This is a human value that must be passed down to the lowest level,” said the former CEO of Jawa Pos Group.

Mantan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) periode 2011 – 2014 Prof Dr (HC) Dahlan Iskan (kiri) bersama Dekan Sekolah Interdisiplin Manajemen dan Teknologi (SIMT) ITS Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP pada kuliah pembuka di kampus SIMT ITS

Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) for the period 2011 – 2014 Prof Dr (HC) Dahlan Iskan (left) with Dean of the ITS Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP at the opening lecture on the SIMT ITS campus.

This humanitarian value became the recruitment module run by PLN at that time. Dahlan said that more than 90 percent of the people in PLN at that time held the same commitment as him. “After three levels of management are clean, the majority will also become clean,” he said convincingly.

Dahlan also described the value of humanity through his experience in managing an international boarding school in a place that was not populated. Dahlan revealed that some people complained about the high price of the boarding school. “Some people also asked about the purpose of building an expensive boarding school in that area,” he said.

Partisipan Semester Opening Lecture SIMT ITS yang menghadirkan mantan Menteri BUMN Prof Dr (HC) Dahlan Iskan di kampus SIMT ITS Tjokroaminoto, Surabaya

Participants of the SIMT ITS Semester Opening Lecture featuring former SOE Minister Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan at the SIMT ITS Tjokroaminoto campus in Surabaya.

However, Dahlan was undeterred. He explained that the truth cannot be viewed from just one side. In this case, Dahlan saw his actions as advancing the region. This is also evidenced by the free school program for bright children who cannot afford to pay.

Finally, the man from Magetan advised SIMT new students to continue to maintain human values in every activity. “The simplest way is to raise good people to the surface, so that they can become the majority,” he advised. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Ahmad Farhan Alghifari

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