ITS News

Saturday, January 18, 2025
January 14, 2025 13:01

ITS Academic Staff Initiates Work Safety Revolution through Digital Technology

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Anggota tim Keep Safety ITS 2024 Nur Hasan SSi MKom MCE menunjukkan materi Sistem Layanan Online Work Permit

ITS Keep Safety 2024 team member Nur Hasan SSi MKom MCE shows the Online Work Permit Service System material

ITS Campus, ITS News — Based on existing report data, 17 kinds of accidents mostly occur due to the lack of application of Occupational Health and Safety (in Indonesian terms, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, abbreviated and will be referred as K3) in the previous Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) environment. To create a zero accident campus, the Academic Staff Team of ITS joined the ITS Keep Safety team. It carried out a revolution in K3 through digital technology innovation in the form of an Online Work Permit Service System.

For your information, K3 is a safeguarding effort or a protection culture that creates a safe work environment for everyone. ITS Keep Safety Team member, Nur Hasan SSi MKom MCE, says that K3 in jobs that are prone to accidents or have a high risk of work accidents is still a challenge at ITS. Many accidents occur due to a lack of supervision over the implementation of safety procedures and low compliance in using personal protective equipment (in Indonesian terms, Alat Pelindung Diri, abbreviated and will be referred as APD).

To solve that problem, a digital application that allows monitoring of compliance with K3 standards in every high-risk job was developed. “This application has strict monitoring that allows the employers and related parties to identify any violations related to K3.” explained the man known as Hasan.

According to Hasan, this invention aims to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation. This is especially related to SDGs 3, which focuses on healthy and prosperous lives by reducing the number of occupational accidents and diseases, and SDGs 8, which relates to decent work and economic growth through the implementation of K3, which creates safe and productive work opportunities.

Furthermore, he explained that the Online Work Permit Service System offers some important features. One is the application for a work permit, which can be done digitally through the service.

(dari kiri) Nur Hasan, Dian Rachmat Saputra, dan Guruh Pramudita dari tim Keep Safety ITS saat melakukan presentasi di ajang TKMPN XXVIII 2024 di Bali

(from left) Nur Hasan, Dian Rachmat Saputra, and Guruh Pramudita from the ITS Keep Safety team during their presentation at the TKMPN XXVIII 2024 event in Bali

This allows vendors receiving work to apply for permits quickly without complicated bureaucracy. This service is also equipped with a feature to store the history of violations committed by the company implementing the work so that it can be considered for future cooperation.

One of the mainstays of this service is a feature that can help smooth the monitoring of K3 procedures in real-time. K3 parties can report violations directly from the service to be followed up. Meanwhile, the public can also make complaints via barcodes around the work area. “In the past, people were often confused about where to complain, so we provide a place for complaints that is more easily accessible,” said Hasan.

Even though initial resistance was due to concerns about hindering work completion, Hasan and his team’s approach proved the system’s effectiveness. Data shows that it was able to save an estimated Rp100 million in operational and incident handling costs while realizing zero accident by 2024.

In addition to benefiting the campus and the environment, this innovation achieved the XXVIII National Quality and Productivity Work Meeting (TKMPN) 2024, which took place in Bali, in early December 2024. During the event, the Keep Safety team won the gold medal.

The ITS Information Systems alumnus expressed his hope that this innovation could improve the implementation of the K3 culture at ITS, as well as make ITS a role model for other campuses in implementing K3 in the educational environment. “We hope that ITS can become an example for other campuses in creating a safe work environment and implementing K3 properly,” Hasan concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Aulia Okta Wijaya

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