ITS News

Thursday, March 13, 2025
March 08, 2025 16:03

Carrying New Innovation, ITS Robotic Team Ready to Carve Out International Achievements

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Rektor ITS Prof Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD saat memberikan sambutan pada peluncuran perdana tim riset Bayucaraka ITS dan Bayubramanta ITS dalam ajang SAFMC 2025 dan SAUVC 2025 di Singapura

ITS Rector Prof Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD giving a speech at the inaugural launch of the ITS Bayucaraka and ITS Bayubramanta research teams at the SAFMC 2025 and SAUVC 2025 events in Singapore

ITS Campus, ITS News —Back with their newest innovations, the Banyubramanta and Bayucaraka robot teams from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) have launched their newest robots to compete in the international arena. Through the inaugural launch at the ITS Robotics Center Building, Friday (2/7), the two leading ITS research teams introduced the newest robots they have created.

ITS Rector Prof. Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD revealed that ITS continues to produce the nation’s best innovative students. Among others, in the field of robotics, ITS has succeeded in presenting various useful robot innovations. “Hopefully, these robots can be further developed to help solve problems in the field,” he said.

The participation of the Banyubramanta and Bayucaraka ITS teams in this international competition is expected to bring the reputation of ITS even higher. The Professor of the ITS Department of Mechanical Engineering appreciated the hard work of the students in presenting the nation’s best innovations. “Hopefully this ITS research team can bring home the best results from their efforts and can bring honor to the nation and this campus,” he said hopefully.

Soero-Yin dan Soero-Yang hasil dari inovasi tim Bayucaraka ITS yang siap bertanding di kategori D1 SAFMC 2025

Soero-Yin and Soero-Yang, the result of the innovation of the ITS Bayucaraka team which is ready to compete in the D1 category of SAFMC 2025

Meanwhile, ITS Bayucaraka Team’s General Manager Rama Suryansyah Budianto introduced his team’s four leading robots that are ready to compete in the Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition (SAMFC) 2025. The ITS flying robot team will compete in two categories, namely Semi-Autonomous (D1) and Full-Autonomous (D2).

Furthermore, this ITS Physics Engineering Department student explained that in the D1 category, the ITS Bayucaraka team launched two of their flagship drones, namely Soero-Xi and Soero-Pi. In this category, the drone will later be controlled by a wearable device in the form of an easy-to-use glove. “This feature is also supported by a lighter drone body and a more stable positioning system,” he explained.

The 2022 student continued, in the D2 category there are also two drones that have been prepared by the Bayucaraka team, namely Soero-Yin and Soero-Yang. In this category, the drone will focus on cooperation to complete missions simultaneously. “Both drones are equipped with obstacle avoidance sensors with simple and lightweight algorithms to improve navigation performance,” added Rama.

Robot bawah air otonom Zetanaru hasil karya tim Bayubramanta ITS yang siap bertanding di SAUVC 2025

The autonomous underwater robot Zetanaru, the work of the ITS Bayubramanta team, is ready to compete in SAUVC 2025.

On the same occasion, General Manager of the ITS Banyubramanta Team, Khayyir Noorachman Munawir, introduced Zetanaru as the latest autonomous underwater robot developed by the team that has been established since 2018. This new robot comes with powerful updates to its hardware and software components. “The major update that was made was the addition of a localization system and modular design,” he explained.

The first update that is also Zetanaru’s advantage lies in the visual localization capability supported by a camera system. Khayyir explained that this feature gives Zetanaru the ability to visualize the surrounding environment and maximize its autonomous control system. “Later, directions will be given through a program that is injected into the Zetanaru system,” explained the ITS Physics Engineering Department student.

Furthermore, the modular design is a new feature that the Banyubramanta team also carries on the Zetanaru robot. This feature allows each Zetanaru device unit to stand alone and be easily removed and installed. “The modular design makes it easier and faster to change device units without having to dismantle the robot,” explained Khayyir.

Salah satu programmer tim Bayucaraka ITS menjelaskan komponen drone yang akan bertanding di kategori D2 di SAMFC 2025

One of the programmers of the ITS Bayucaraka team explains the components of the drone that will compete in the D2 category at SAMFC 2025

The ITS Banyubramanta Team, bringing Zetanaru, is ready to explore the Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge (SAUVC) 2025 competition arena in mid-March. Here, Zetanaru will be challenged to complete various missions and compete with other robots. “Zetanaru’s agility will be tested through four missions carried out in parallel,” said the 2022 student.

The two ITS research teams are targeting to win first place in each competition category. Not only that, but the two teams also hope that in the future this innovation can help the development of robot infrastructure and manufacturing in Indonesia. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: Muhammad Rafi Ardiansyah

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