ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), as one of the best State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia, continues to spread collaboration opportunities with various parties. This time, by hosting a visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Indonesia and ASEAN, ITS offered several opportunities for cooperation in various fields, Wednesday (15/12) afternoon.
ITS Vice-Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. said that Croatia is one of the advanced countries in the industrial sector, especially the shipping and weapons industry. ITS is an exciting opportunity to establish cooperation in science, research, and technology. “Considering that ITS is a PTN with high technological innovation, I believe this collaboration can provide benefits to both parties,” said Bambang.
Supporting this, ITS Senior Manager of International Cooperation Astria Nur Irfansyah Ph.D. said several reasons for choosing Croatia to collaborate with ITS. One of them is that Croatia has a dominant service, industry, agriculture, and tourism sector. “In addition, the cooperation between Surabaya and Croatia in the maritime sector in 2018 has made ITS even more confident of holding cooperation,” he said.
The lecturer, who is familiarly called Irfan, continued several things that could potentially cooperate between ITS and Croatia. Among them are student exchanges, joint degree programs, international conferences, research and technology, and various other fields. “Croatia is one of the countries in Europe that some students at ITS are interested in,” he said.
Adding this, the Director of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKAST) ITS, Dr. Ir Achmad Affandi DEA, said that ITS had difficulty collaborating with industrial partners in research and technology. Affandi admits this is still a big challenge. With a focus on automotive, maritime, creative industries, ICT, and robotics at the Science Techno Park, it is hoped that the cooperation between Croatia and ITS will help overcome these problems.
Responding to this, the Croatian Ambassador Nebojša Koharović admitted that he was very proud and happy to collaborate with ITS. He and the entourage of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia for the Republic of Indonesia will immediately follow up on several potentials offered by ITS. He believes this collaboration can support the younger generation to develop themselves to build the future.
Nebojša Koharović added several things that made Croatia a dominant industrial sector. One of them is the spirit and firm determination of the people. Although Croatia is a small country, this high spirit has made the government advance in the industrial sector. “The determination and strong spirit may be an example for the younger generation of Indonesia to continue working,” he said.
ITS and Croatia hoped that the cooperation would soon be established at the end of the meeting. In addition, the two also hope that this collaboration can improve education for the nation’s young generation. “With several potential collaborations that will be established, hopefully, it can be an opportunity for our students to be able to develop themselves,” concluded Bambang. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Nadila Wulan Cahyani
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