ITS Campus, ITS News – To reduce the weight on the ground, the Department of Civil Engineering of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) estimates the ideal type of housing on soft soil. This prediction uses a HWYL method (Herman Wahyudi Yudhi Latiasih)the name is taken from the name of the inventor of this method. The inventor is none other than the lecturer of the Department of Civil Engineering ITS, Prof. Dr. Ir Herman Wahyudi and Yudhi Lastiasih ST MT.
The HWYL method is an analytical method that predicts amplitude and completion time. The final amplitude is determined using a soil monitoring instrument during construction. The instrument is in the form of settlement plates or extensometers plus several road embankment and reclamation projects that require a long time of observation.
Based on the results and monitoring analysis, the HWYL method is proposed to predict the type of housing in soft soil. According to Yudhi Lastiasih ST MT, the time needed to do this observations is a quite long time. “About more than one year not included the time to do research. The new research is done after the problems arise from related data sources for six months, “he explained.
Collecting secondary data on this method also take a long time. After finding the data, the data questions will be found in the project. “After the data and questions are collected, then proceed with researching the methods,” explained the lecturer that was born in Pekalongan.
After being tested, the HLWY method is recognized for its effectiveness in ITS. Not only ITS, now this method has also been recognized by the world. This method has been published in the related journal on the official website of AGSSEA-SEAGS on 3 September 2018.
The Association of Geotechnical Societies in South Asia (AGSSEA) is the Asian Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) SouthEast Association which was enlarged and promoted to bring all the Southeast Asian National Societies. (ion6/gel/ITS Public Relations Officer)
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