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Sunday, October 06, 2024
December 03, 2018 10:12

ICOMPAC Highlights Research Development in The Field of Mathematics

Oleh : itsrur | | Source : ITS Online

The ICOMPAC presenters, shortly before delivering the material

ITS Campus, ITS News – International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation (ICOMPAC) is a form of attention from Department of Mathematics in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya for research in the fields of pure, applied and computational mathematics. The event was held at Majapahit Hotel Surabaya and it was attended by participants from various countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Iraq, and Australia on Saturday (20/10).

Reporting from the official website, ICOMPAC 2018 was held by the Department of Mathematics in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya and Tadulako University (UNTAD) Palu. The partners of foreign universities who also supported the event are Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Malaysia and Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan.

ICOMPAC’s Chief Executive, Dr. Dieky Adzkiya, M.Si said that the international conference which had been held for fourth times is aimed to introduce the application of mathematics in solving human life problems. “ICOMPAC will always present new innovations for the community, which are still related to mathematical applications for a better life,” he affirmed.

The lecturer who is familiarly called Dieky continued, the conference with the theme of ‘Mathematics for Better Future Life’ presented three main topics, which are the use of mathematics in control systems, data processing, and fluid dynamics. “These three discussions are the results of our discussion (ITS Mathematics Department) with UNTAD, which was decided after considering the problems that Indonesia is currently facing,” said Dieky.

Prof. Guisheng Zhai when delivering a lecture material to participants of ICOMPAC 2018

As for the use of mathematics in the control system, the topic was delivered by Prof. Guisheng Zhai from Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan. In a control system, mathematics is often used for the purposes of analysis and design, including a discussion of complex equations. “In this case, mathematics has a role in explaining how to simplify these equations into a formula that is easier to implement,” he explained.

Dieky continued, for the use of mathematics in data processing, it would be delivered by Dr. Dipo Aldila from the University of Indonesia. In processing data, mathematics can also be used to identify how diseases spread. “By analyzing empirical data from an area, mathematics can predict the potential of a disease to become an outbreak in the area,” Dieky said.

Meanwhile, the topic about the use of mathematics in fluid dynamics will be delivered by Dr. Mohd Zuki Salle from Universiti Malaysia Pahang and Dr. Drs. Chairul Imron, Mi.Komp from ITS Departement of Mathematics. In this discussion, mathematics is useful for identifying the characteristics of the fluid, especially water. “Good understanding of fluid’s characteristic will greatly help us to predict the impact of natural disasters involving water, for example, floods,” said the man who was born in Lamongan.

Dieky hopes that the participants of ICOMPAC 2018 will understand more the importance of mathematics in solving problems in society, especially after hearing the explanations from the experts present. “By giving the chance to meet the experts directly, I hope that the public, especially academics, will be more aware and pay attention to the many applications of mathematics that can be utilized in real life,” he concluded. (rur/qi/fer)

ITS Chancellor, Prof. Ir Joni Hermana, M.ScES, Ph.D while taking pictures with presenters and organizers of ICOMPAC 2018

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