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Thursday, January 02, 2025
December 11, 2018 15:12

Innovation and Creativity in 58th Anniversary of ITS

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ITS Chancellor, Prof Ir Joni Hermana MSc ES Ph.D. when delivering the Rector’s Report containing the achievements of ITS for the past four years

ITS Campus, ITS News – Disruption era and the development of  industrial revolution 4.0 factor provides its own challenges and opportunities for Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia in the future to be more innovative dan creative. That was the main topic in the scientific speech delivered by Prof. Dr. (HC) Dr. Chairul Tanjung MBA on the commemoration of the 58th Anniversary of ITS at ITS Graha Sepuluh Nopember, Saturday (10/11).

In this occasion, the top Indonesian businessman presented a scientific speech entitled Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Heroism Value as the Points of ITS’s Future. In his explanation, he explained about the changes that occurred quickly and had a big impact in the disruption era. Valuation of technology-based companies is also getting higher.

He gave an example that when the General Electric (GE) company focused on developing aircraft engines, household appliances, and transportation equipment was able to control the world at that time. But now it can be seen that the trend of technological development has shifted so that digital technology companies control the ecosystem and the world economy. A simple example is Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others.

“The value of the company used to be determined by physical factors such as land, buildings, factories, and so on. But now the most valuable asset is data, “said the man who became the founder and chairman of CT Corp. These changes also have an impact on the current generation, or can be called millennium generation. They have different lifestyles and cultures, so different treatments are needed.

Prof. Dr. (HC) drg Chairul Tanjung MBA when giving scientific speeches at ITS 58th Anniversary

Beside that, according to the man who is familiarly called CT, Indonesia also faces several challenges that must be resolved to be able to compete in the future. The challenge is the millenium generation who have high spirits but are weak in their execution. Then employment has diminished due to the increase of high technological developments, local investors have also been unable to compete with foreign investors, and the problem of the contribution of the industrial sector has been decreasing.

Therefore, he added, an education system transformation is needed which emphasizes three aspects, namely innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship based on the spirit of heroism. According to him, these three aspects are good steps to face the challenges of changing eras. ITS must also be able to implement an education system based on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. “In addition, ITS must be able to emulate the spirit of heroism in its development towards a new ITS,” he concluded.

ITS Rector Prof. Joni Hermana (right) gave paintings as a souvenir to Chairul Tanjung

Previously, at the beginning of the events, ITS Rector Prof. Ir Joni Hermana MSc ES Ph.D., gave a report on the transformation that had been carried out by ITS in the past few years. ITS itself has produced many innovations that have a good impact on society. This can be seen with several products such as bamboo laminate vessels, BLITS electric cars, and GESITS electric-driven two-wheeled vehicles.

He said the innovation was part of the real manifestation of ITS in implementing the strategic objectives that had been planned at the beginning. There are three focus groups that ITS wants to develop: the contribution to the nation’s problems in science and technology, the contribution of the nation at the international level to become World Class University (WCU), and the transformation of ITS into a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH). “Hopefully, ITS’s strategic goals can have a good impact on the community, both at national and international levels,” he said.

The annual agenda was also attended by the Director of the Directorate of Science, Technology, and Higher Education Institutions (Iptekdikti) Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo MEng SC representing the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti). He appreciated the achievements that achieved by ITS and its contribution to the success of the Kemenristekdikti work program. “ITS has implemented a good innovation step, especially in the development of GESITS motors and Braille printers,” he said.

Chairul Tanjung (left) with ITS Rector Prof. Joni Hermana when they will enter the ITS 58th Anniversary ceremony

It is also hoped that in 2024, ITS will be one of five universities that are included in the WCU group on a large scale of 500 world’s best universities. Therefore, it takes effort, commitment, and maximum change in the field of research, budget allocation, management and so on to realize WCU in 2024. “Hopefully, ITS will be able to carry out many innovations both at national and international levels which have a good impact on society especially in the fourth era of industrial disruption and revolution,” he said.

In addition, there were a number of events which were also carried out to complement the 58th ITS Anniversary. Among them was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung undprufung (BAM) Germany and ITS, the launch of a braille printer machine, the 2018 ClassNK Award and giving awards to students, lecturers and employees who have participated in the name of ITS both nationally and internationally.

On this occasion, ITS also inaugurated the Center for Science and Technology (PUI) in the field of creative industries which was marked with strains of ITS bamboo guitar by Prof. Joni Hermana, Chairul Tanjung, Patdono Suwignjo, and other ITS leader. It is the fourth launch of the Creative Industry PUI, after previously ITS also inaugurated PUI Automation Control System (SKO), PUI Mechatronics and Industrial Automation (MIA), and PUI Ship Safety and Sea Installation. (lut/ITS Public Relations Officer/Anwar)

ITS headsips with Chairul Tanjung (third from right) and Director General of Institution of Science and Technology and Colleges Dr. Patdono Suwignjo (third from left) when together inaugurating the ITS Creative Industry PUI.

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