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December 11, 2018 14:12

Towards Energy Independence by Means of Solar Energy Utilization

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : -

The Head of ITS Center for Research and Community Services (LPPM ITS) Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT when he was explaining his research which is related to solar energy utilization in the IMRC 2018.

ITS Campus, ITS News – Society’s independence to fossil energy such as coal, oil, and gas has been unstoppable. The efforts to manifest the energy stability are being encouraged as well by all parties. One of them was Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya through Indonesia – Malaysia Research Consortium (IMRC) 2018. In this occasion, The Head of ITS Center for Research and Community Services (LPPM ITS) Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT explained his research which is related to solar energy utilization.

It was Adi, his nickname, who said that nowadays there are more and more societies that are dependent on electricity in each of their activities. For a simple example, the mobile phone that always lies in our hands. “Thereby the need of electrical energy keeps increasing,” said him in the IMRC Seminar 2018, Wednesday (21/11).

By utilizing solar energy, Adi added, many benefits would be obtained. If solar panels have been installed, the transmission network would be no longer needed. “We predict that there will be a period when every household has its own electricity,” he explained.

Adi explained, his research is about forming a platform which enables the occurrence of the energy trade transaction. For example, a neighbor has an excess solar panel capture yield, accordingly that energy can be traded to the other neighbor. “There is no need to pass through the PLN (The Government’s Electricity Company, red) anymore,” he mentioned.

Thus, according to Adi, people will not only act as consumers but also as producers. Even so, Adi added, there might be various challenges that will be encountered. “For example, to prepare the system is not an easy matter and is troublesome. Well, this is the main duty in our research,” delivered Adi.

The other challenge in the use of this solar energy is the appearance of that renewable energy that is not constant. So, there is a time when we have a cloudy sky and there is also a time when we have a scorching weather. During these times, Adi spoke, a conventional generator is needed. “The commitment between the seller and the buyer is not a less important matter. So, there must exist a contract that cannot be changed by the individual,” he told. (owi/herdiana)

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