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February 22, 2019 18:02

100 Years of Engineering Education, ITS and ITB Hold Maritime Seminar

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ITB and ITS are two of the leading technical colleges in Indonesia. By 2020, Indonesia will celebrate a century of the start of engineering education in the country.

ITS Campus, ITS News – In line with the 100th anniversary of Engineering Education in Indonesia in 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya with Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) will hold a Maritime Seminar on Saturday (23/2). Located at ITS Research Center Building, the seminar on Maritime Science and Technology Development for Sustainable Development will refine inputs, information, and strategies that will be given to the government.

In principle, this seminar aims to discuss various aspects of blue economic development while maintaining and protecting the marine environment, so that a win-win situation is achieved. Economic circumstances are fulfilled, even growing and developing, but environmental firms remain well protected without significant damage and degeneration in quality. ITS itself was chosen to be the host because of its work so far in the maritime field.

At the seminar, there will be three main topics discussed, specifically innovation and technology, blue ocean economy, and coastal marine management and planning. The seminar will be opened with three main speakers, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia General (Ret.) Luhut B Panjaitan MPA, Indonesian Minister of Tourism Dr. Ir Arief Yahya MSc, and completed by the Head of SKK Migas Dr. Ir Dwi Soetjipto MM who will explain the Potential Future use of oil and gas (offshore / onshore).

Meanwhile, in the panel discussion, there will be discussions from 14 interdisciplinary experts. Seminar participants will also be involved in discussions in each track with these experts through the facilitation of moderators who are experts in their respective fields of ITB and ITS. “With the gathering of academics, business people, and the government, it is hoped that the results of the discussion will provide input that can accelerate maritime development,” said ITS Deputy Rector IV for Innovation, Cooperation, Alumni, and International Relations, Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc.

In particular, Ketut highlighted the role of academics in maritime progress through the development of research and innovation. With ITB’s collaboration as the oldest technical college and ITS as a maritime axis campus, this seminar will provide constructive input through the formulation team.

Especially for ITS, innovation and research in these three fields are also quite complete. “As research on renewable energy by Prof. Dr. Mukhtasor ST MEng (marine energy expert from ITS, editor), as well as the development of the outer islands that have been done by Prof. Ir Eko Budi Djatmiko MSc PhD FRINA (ITS marine expert, editor),” he said.

Previously, this series of commemorative events ahead of the 100 Years of Engineering Education in Indonesia will begin with a dinner planned to be attended by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, General Luhut B Panjaitan MPA at the Surabaya Mayor’s Office Residence on Friday night. After the maritime national seminar, the activity will take place the next Sunday (24/2) morning in the form of a Fun Bike Rally. (MIC / Anjani / ITS Public Relation Officer)



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