ITS Campus, ITS News – Another proud achievement was carved by students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya at international level. Participated in nine race categories with only one delegation team, ITS students were able to win eight awards at the same time as the International Oil and Gas competition titled Empowering the Unconventional organized by the Society of Petroleum and Energy Studies in India.
This annual competition held for a week until February 20 was attended by 300 participants from all around the world. The participants have set aside hundreds of other participants in the abstract escape stage. Located in Dehradun, India, the ITS team, which is also one of the Indonesian delegation teams, was represented by students from Physics-Engineering Department, Tita Oxa Anggrea and Frankstein Arphan, students of Geophysical Engineering Department. In this competition, the innovations of the participants in the fields of oil and gas technology were pitted to be the best for each other.
One of the team members, Tita Oxa Anggrea explained that for 1.5 years her team had provided all the material they need for the competition. Not only preparation from herself and her colleagues, PT SIER Surabaya and PT PLN also contributed in providing material support or knowledge in the process.
“In this competition, we (the ITS team, editor) must compete with teams from seven countries that are strong in oil and gas fields such as Russia, Australia, Nepal, India, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia themselves,” said the student who is often called Ocha.
In this competition, there are several race categories, including the Shell Innovation Challenge. In this event, the participants were required to provide innovation with the freedom of budget funding needs. The ITS team managed to enter the top five to the final stage to present it.
“Even at that time, the General Manager of Shell also appreciated our concept, because the concept we are carrying is very relevant to the needs of the oil and gas industry now,” explained the 1998-born student who also represented Indonesia at Miss Global International 2018 in the United States.
Unlike the other participants who are still discussing conventional technology, ITS team raised the concept of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the petroleum industry and the development of potential reservoirs or storage of unconventional accumulated oil and gas. The absence of a boundary between humans and technology during the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is currently behind the innovation of the importance of using AI in oil and gas companies.
This innovation, added Ocha, who is also a presenter on TVs, is a form of a combination of AI technology that has developed rapidly with the method of exploration or the search for natural resources beneath the earth’s surface. That way, exploration can be achieved with a shorter use of time and lower costs. “Another positive impact is that the company’s profits will automatically increase with this increase in efficiency,” explained the 2016 generation student.
In addition, there are also categories of Baker Hughes General Electric Symposium and Smart Competition. In the category of Baker Hughes General Electric Symposium, the participants were given a problem in the field of oil and gas whose solution must be discussed with specified time duration. Sharp opinions, critical thoughts and deep analysis of cases are the main weapons to compete in the forum. While in the Smart Competition, participants compete quickly and precisely in answering a number of questions about the knowledge of oil and gas proposed.
Excellent in terms of innovation, topic suitability, as well as the ability to think critically and quickly produce impressive results for the ITS team. Obtaining the 1st runner-up of the General Champion, the ITS team contributed eight awards to Indonesia. Among them were 2nd Winner of the Shell Innovation Challenge, 2nd Winner of Baker Hughes General Electric Symposium, 3rd Winner of Smart Competition, 1st Winner of Paper Competition Category: Exploration, 1st Winner of Paper Competition Category: HSE, 1st Winner of Poster Competition Category: Exploration, 2nd Winner of Paper Competition Category: Reservoir and 3rd Winner of Paper Competition Category: Production.
Pride fulfilled the chest of ITS delegation team. Their struggle from joined nine race categories with only two people turned out to prove the greatness of the nation’s children in the world level. “We (the ITS team, editor) hope the development of oil and gas fields in companies and universities can collaborate and work together to find solutions to national energy problems in the future,” concluded the student from Pamekasan. (mad / Anjani / ITS Public Relation Officer )
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