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April 09, 2019 19:04

Support Smart City, ITS Launched Smart City Books

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ITS Chancellor Prof. Joni Hermana giving speech at the launch of Smart City ITS book

ITS Campus, ITS News – Along with the development of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era in Indonesia, the service of urban communities that were originally conventional became based on Information Technology (IT). However, these services have not been spread comprehensively and sustainably in the community. Seeing this, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) was tapped to contribute by launching a book called Smart City: Concepts, Models and Technology, Monday (1/4), at the ITS Student Advisory Center (SAC) Building.

The Smart City book contains 46 articles compiled by 81 researchers from 25 departments in ITS according to their respective fields of expertise. “All lecturers from all majors are involved, because Smart City involves many aspects that must be considered,” said ITS Chancellor Prof. Ir Joni Hermana MSc giving a speech before launching the book. According to the professor of Environmental Engineering, this book is one of the contributions of ITS as a science and technology-based university in the development of smart cities in Indonesia.

The book that contains the concepts and methodologies of applying Smart City is arranged based on six dimensions. The six dimensions are Smart Government and Smart Branding each with five writings, Smart Economy with four writings, Smart Living with 11 writings, Smart Society with four writings, and Smart Environment with seven.

Tony D Susanto PhD as the coordinator of the author and book editor stated that the book was the first book in Indonesia to discuss six dimensions of the smart city in an integrated manner. “The implementation of these six dimensions can be successful if supported by smart people,” said the ITS Information System’s lecturer. The book will be dedicated to regions in Indonesia as a reference for developing the city with a smart city concept going forward.

ITS Smart City Book Coordinator and Editor Tony D Susanto PhD when presenting a report on making Smart City books

In addition, ITS itself has established many collaborations with various regions in developing the smart city. “Quite a lot of areas outside and inside the island of Java such as Trenggalek, Madiun, Kediri, and Blitar,” he said. He added, the application of smart city does not occur directly, but is still in the stage of the development process.

Meanwhile, Banggai Laut Mayor Drs. H Wenny Bukamo who was present said that the application of smart city in his area was gradually developing due to cost and human resource constraints. This archipelago located in Central Sulawesi has collaborated with ITS in implementing smart city two years ago.

“At present, our district (Banggai Laut, editor) has implemented e-government, e-budgeting, and integrated e-planning,” he explained. In addition, he added, there are programs that involve ITS in their implementation such as urban planning, environmental management, and so on.

Joni hopes, with the publication of the Smart City book, it can be a trigger for researchers at ITS to issue new ideas and innovations in the future. “So that the benefit of research in the fields of science and technology can felt by many people,” he concluded.

After the launch, it was immediately followed by the operation of the Smart City book by presenting speakers including the Mayor of Banggai Laut himself, Chairman of the ITS Research and Community Service Institution Prof. Dr. Adi Soeprijanto, and Dr. Ir Setyo Nugroho (ITS Marine Transportation Engineering lecturer, researcher Smart Island, and one of the authors of the Smart City ITS book). (vi / Anjani / ITS Public Relation Officer)

Accompanied by Banggai Laut Mayor Drs H Wenny Bukamo and Smart City Book Coordinator and editor Tony D Susanto, ITS Chancellor Prof. Joni Hermana signed the ITS Smart City Book

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