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April 11, 2019 14:04

ITS Inaugurated the Secretariat of Women’s Scientific Organizations

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ITS Chancellor Prof. Joni Hermana (center) accompanied by Sri Fatmawati (right) and OWSD Executive Committee Ervina Ahyudanari while inaugurating the OWSD Indonesia National Chapter secretariat office at ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News – As a science-based campus, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has always been active in efforts to accommodate various activities and organizations in the field of science. This is evidenced by the existence of ITS support to the Organization for Woman in Science in the Developing World (OWSD) of Indonesia National Chapter which opened its secretariat office at the 2nd floor of the ITS Tower of Science Building.

The OWSD Indonesia National Chapter secretariat office was inaugurated directly by the ITS Chancellor, Prof. Ir Joni Hermana MScEs PhD, Wednesday (10/4). Previously, OWSD Indonesia National Chapter received assistance to occupy part of a small room in the Chemistry Department of ITS. However, now the support is being increased by giving space in a larger space at the ITS Science Tower Building.

Prof. Joni Hermana also welcomed the inauguration of the OWSD Indonesia National Chapter secretariat office. According to him, this women’s scientific organization has been very great and has an extraordinary vision for the progress of science in Indonesia. Even for ITS, OWSD Indonesia National Chapter is also very helpful for the empowerment of ITS female scientists bypassing journals to the international level.

“Most importantly, OWSD Indonesia National Chapter is very motivating and proves that we have great potential to advance to the world level,” added the Professor of Bandung-born Environmental Engineering.

In line with this, the President of OWSD Indonesia National Chapter, Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD explained that ITS itself had provided much support for this organization. Previously assistance and support in various forms was also contributed by the Faculty of Science and also the Chemistry Department of ITS.

“This is proof that in addition to focusing on their own activities, ITS also supports various parties in their efforts to advance knowledge that is beneficial to the nation,” said the woman who is often called Fatma.

According to the award winner of one of the world’s best female researchers, ITS was chosen as the location of the OWSD Indonesia National Chapter secretariat office certainly not without reason. This is because ITS itself is very appropriate to help realize the goals of the organization in order to reach all regions in Indonesia.

ITS Chancellor Prof. Joni Hermana (right) accompanied by Sri Fatmawati (center) and OWSD Executive Committee Ervina Ahyudanari while inaugurating the OWSD Indonesia National Chapter secretariat office at ITS

This Madurese woman said the ITS cooperation program with universities in eastern Indonesia in the form of Eastern Part of Indonesia University Network (EPI-UNET) was expected to provide easier access to reach remote areas in Indonesia.

OWSD Indonesia National Chapter itself is a chapter from the central OWSD in Italy. Having gathered 144 female scientists from 14 provinces in Indonesia, OWSD Indonesia National Chapter is still expanding to expand its wings to gather other female scientists from all regions.

Because continued Fatma, female scientists themselves both at home and abroad, have a small amount compared to male scientists. “Even though in this globalization era, men and women have the same access to be able to work in science,” said this ITS Chemistry lecturer.

With the inauguration of this secretariat, Fatma hopes that OWSD Indonesia National Chapter can absorb more members from various regions. That is way, the impact of the programs implemented can be evenly distributed across all regions.

“We (OWSD Indonesia National Chapter, red) also hope for support from various parties for this organization, because like our logo, women who uphold science can be a strong root for the progress of the Indonesian nation,” he concluded smiling. (mad/ITS Public Relations Officer)

Sri Fatmawati in front of the OWSD Indonesia National Chapter secretariat office at the ITS Science Tower

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