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June 25, 2019 09:06

ITS Officially Appointed Vice Chancellor for the Period 2019-2024

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

The four ITS Vice Chancellors for the period 2019-2024 were sworn in at the inauguration

ITS Campus, ITS News – The leadership car in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) began to change, along with the change of new chancellor for the period 2019 – 2024. The initial stage was marked by the official inauguration of four new Vice Chancellors (WR) replacing old officials which took place at the ITS Central Building Auditorium on Wednesday (10/6).

The ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng directly inaugurated the new four Vice Chancellors (WR). They are Prof Dr Ir Adi Supriyanto MT as WR I (Academic and Student Affairs), Ir Mas Agus Mardiyanto ME PhD as WR II (Planning, Finance and Infrastructure), DrEng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng as WR III (Human Resources , Organization, and Information System Technology), and Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD as WR IV (Innovation, Cooperation, Alumni, and International Relations).

In his speech, the chancellor who is usually called Ashari said that the inauguration of the new officials was also a step to support delivering ITS to World Class University. “This is one of the tasks mandated to the new ITS leaders,” he said.

The Chancellor of ITS Prof Mochamad Ashari while draping the gordon as a sign of the official appointment of new vice chancellors

Ashari explained, even though they were inaugurated, the four new WR will carry out their duties officially in August, which will also be followed by institutional changes in the ITS environment. This is to provide a period of adaptation and a transition period from old officials to new officials. Therefore, the inauguration of the new WR has been carried out since the previous two months. “Later the old vice chancellor is expected to be able to provide assistance to the new vice chancellor for the next two months,” said the professor of Electrical Engineering.

Ashari also explained that the selection of a new WR that would accompany him for the next five years was formed on the basis of professionals. They were chosen because they were considered to have competencies in their respective fields that had been inherent so far. “I refer to the wise phrase ‘the Right Man on the Right Place’ in choosing them,” he said.

The Chancellor of ITS Prof Mochamad Ashari while giving a speech and direction to the Vice Chancellors for the period 2019-2024

The Telecommunications Society Advisory Board also explained that there are four important tasks that must be completed by the new vice chancellor in the future. First, improve the internal quality of ITS by developing a modern and creative learning system. Second, developing innovation by presenting the national icon of ITS. “This icon can be in the form of technology from ITS students that we help to develop,” he explained.

The third task is to safeguard the nation’s dignity and state prestige. This can be implemented by entering the 500 Top University Ranks that are the goals of ITS in the future. The last task is to build campus intelligence through the development of smart campus concepts. “This is done by developing digitalization of services, processes and monitoring of campus scope,” said the former Chair of the ITS Electrical Engineering Department.

Closing his remarks, Ashari revealed that there are challenges that must be faced in the future in carrying out some of these tasks. The challenge is in the form of world competition, especially in the increasingly competitive field of technology and changes in policy from the country which can change at any time. “The most important thing is to remain professional and take responsibility in carrying out what is mandated,” he concluded. (sep/herdiana/ITS PR)

The old Vice Chancellors of ITS were taking pictures together with the new Vice Chancellors accompanied by their wives

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